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姓名 吳牧哲(Mu-Che Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 CellS: 一個細胞啟發的高效軟體框架及其在對話系統開發上之應用
(CellS: A Cell-inspired Efficient Software Framework And Its Application On Dialog System Development)
★ 整合GRAFCET虛擬機器的智慧型控制器開發平台★ 分散式工業電子看板網路系統設計與實作
★ 設計與實作一個基於雙攝影機視覺系統的雙點觸控螢幕★ 智慧型機器人的嵌入式計算平台
★ 一個即時移動物偵測與追蹤的嵌入式系統★ 一個固態硬碟的多處理器架構與分散式控制演算法
★ 基於立體視覺手勢辨識的人機互動系統★ 整合仿生智慧行為控制的機器人系統晶片設計
★ 嵌入式無線影像感測網路的設計與實作★ 以雙核心處理器為基礎之車牌辨識系統
★ 基於立體視覺的連續三維手勢辨識★ 微型、超低功耗無線感測網路控制器設計與硬體實作
★ 串流影像之即時人臉偵測、追蹤與辨識─嵌入式系統設計★ 一個快速立體視覺系統的嵌入式硬體設計
★ 即時連續影像接合系統設計與實作★ 基於雙核心平台的嵌入式步態辨識系統
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摘要(中) 軟體整合是軟體工程中重要且困難的議題。在本研究中,我們受到細胞學說的啟發,實現了CellS軟體框架用以解決軟體整合議題。軟體之困難處在於單獨的模組雖可執行,但是不能保證整合後仍可執行。在CellS中,軟體的最小單位是細胞,完成所有細胞的單元測試,即完成軟體的整合。另一方面,傳統的軟體無法發揮CPU的運算能力,其主因是平行化的程式佔總程式的百分比很低。CellS軟體架構可提高軟體的平行化,且工程師無須自己寫平行化程式,因為框架本身即為一個平行架構。本研究使用CellS實作對話引擎,並應用於導航系統與機器手臂控制。以對話為基礎的設計使得導航系統與機器手臂控制取得易用性的優勢,而以CellS為基礎的設計使得導航系統與機器手臂控制取得維護性的優勢。性能實驗表明,我們的應用可以提升高達1.94倍的加速,且隨著CPU的核心數增加,應用得到顯著的加速。本研究設計的CellS軟體框架具有持續演化的能力,且該軟體框架特別適用於需要自主地處理感知器產生的訊息,並且能快速回應的軟體應用。

摘要(英) Software integration is an important and difficult issue in software engineering. In this study, we were inspired by cell theory and implemented the CellS software framework to address software integration issues. The difficulty in software integration is that the individual modules are executable, but they are not guaranteed to be executable after integration. In CellS, the smallest unit of software is the cell, and when all the cells pass its unit test, the integration of the software is completed. On the other hand, traditional software cannot leverage completely the computing power of the CPU, and the root cause is that the parallelized program accounts for a very low percentage of the total program. The CellS software architecture improves software parallelism, and engineers do not have to write parallelism program because the framework itself is a parallel architecture. This study uses the CellS implementation the dialogue engine and is applied to navigation systems and robotic arm control. The dialogue-based design gives the navigation system and robotic arm control the advantage of usability; the CellS-based design gives the navigation system and robotic arm control the advantage of maintainability. Performance experiments show that our application can increase speedup to 1.94 times, and with the increase in the number of cores of the CPU, the application is significantly speedup. The CellS software framework designed in this study has the ability to continuously evolve, and this framework is especially suitable for software applications that need to autonomously process the information generated by the sensor and respond quickly.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體工程
★ 軟體效能
★ 對話系統
論文目次 ABSTRACT ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 6
Chapter 3 Architecture 10
3.1. Improve the Efficiency of Multi-Core CPUs 11
3.2. Endow the Capability to Refactor Software Flow 13
3.3. Establish the Software Integration Framework for the
Application with Perceived Capabilities 15
Chapter 4 Design 17
4.1. Principle of Design 17
4.2. Component Design 23
4.3. Life Cycle Design 30
Chapter 5 Comparison, Experiment, and Analysis 36
5.1. Comparison of Framework 36
5.2. Performance Experiment 41
5.3. Time Analysis 49
Chapter 6 Application 51
6.1. Dialog Engine 53
6.2. Navigation Application (CDNA) 75
6.3. Robotic Arm Control Application (AC) 92
Chapter 7 Conclusion 106
References 108
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指導教授 陳慶瀚(Ching-Han Chen) 審核日期 2019-7-17
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