摘要(英) |
Not long ago, Corporation L launched a full-scale information system replacement project, to resolve the problem that its original system can no longer meet its business requirements, due to rapid growth fueled by continuous acquisitions. The three-year migration has to be well planned. Among others, the project plan called for a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system in conjunction with a BI (Business Intelligence) system, to be replaced concurrently. This created many operational problems of phased-in systems migration, and ERP/BI systems integration. This study focuses on the problem of BI implementation under the concurrent ERP migration and proposes a plan to achieve the goals. First, a preliminary diagnostic study was conducted to analyze the content in original BI system by reviewing existing management reports, key personnel were then interviewed to find out the bottlenecks in the original system, to pinpoint the critical areas of improvement. Based on these, the study proposed a solution which aims at the majored managerial information integration issue in BI system migration, in conjunction with the new and old ERP systems.
The proposed plan can be summarized as following. First, the principles for data preservation in the legacy system were identified, and the detailed business requirements from the perspective of both the internal and external views were re-evaluated. Second, the data integration process and data migration rules, which include four critical assessing elements and five data preservation strategies were identified, while making sure that both are suitable for system integration in enterprise merger and acquisition in the future. Finally, the BI system implementation schedule was determined based on the major concerns triggered by the concurrent migration of both ERP and BI systems.
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