摘要(英) |
With the rapid development of cloud computing technology, it has become the main information investment project of enterprises. Cloud ERP is a new service model. The difference between cloud ERP and traditional ERP is that cloud ERP can provide low cost, high flexibility and rapid deployment advantages. Cloud ERP can help enterprise operation management and information integration working more effectively.
It is a topic of great significance in that enterprises use cloud services to integrate internal information systems, and such services can improve the use of resources and the efficiency of the company. This study thus uses a single case study method to evaluate and discuss a case company that attempted to implement a cloud ERP. The data were collected from observations, company documents, and case records of the case company.
The several results of this study show: (1) Enterprises using the right cloud services can help their globalization and improve the challenges significantly. (2) Group companies can use cloud services to introduce new systems into branch offices, with the roll-out implementation method that helps understand the feasibility and risks of the process. (3) Although this study only discussed a single case company and a single system product, the results and suggestions can nevertheless provide guidelines for implementation reference.
參考文獻 |
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