摘要(英) |
The most common method for complementing the missing value of the equipment in the energy management system is linear interpolation. In view of this method, the data value (power consumption, timely power consumption, power factor, etc.) will be presented when the disconnection time is long. The waveform or slope is smoothed, which is used for subsequent demand calculation and contract capacity setting, which in turn affects the results of electricity cost analysis calculation and regression model establishment and subsequent energy conservation performance prediction.
This study uses KNN Regression, SVR, MLP Regression , and ARIMA method supplements the energy data collected by the energy management system. The purpose is to compare and compare the above methods with the linear interpolation method. The results of the four methods are compared and analyzed using MAPE, and then the algorithm performs future system complement value improvement.
The results of this experiment use the K-nearest neighbor regression method to obtain a better complement method for the continuous 1 day training data set.
The voltage uses KNN Regression K=140, the current uses SVR cost =30, epsilon 0.3, the power factor uses SVR cost =60, epsilon 0.1, the power consumption uses X-12-ARIMA, and the immediate power consumption uses SVR cost =90. Epsilon 0.2 gets a better complement than the original LI.
參考文獻 |
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