摘要(英) |
The public sectors in Taiwan in general develop their information services by outsourcing. With the development of the electronic government (E-government) over the past decades, now the tasks and missions of information services not only involve in constructing the information technology (IT) systems, but furthermore in the integration of various IT systems and service protocols between different government branches. Therefore, the requirements regarding the government employees’ IT expertise and the public sector resources are heavier much than before. The IT systems and services in the local governments are used not only for the local government affairs, but for some policies from the central government. That makes the shortages of IT manpower and resources worse. This study selected the information management center of a local government in Taiwan as the study case, to review and investigate its IT outsourcing practices by in-depth interviews. Several important impact factors to the IT outsourcing practice were remarked.
The interviews results revealed that the legal compliance, and IT staffs′ professional skills made the key factors. It also found that the progress of the E-government development of local governments are depended on clients. In general, these task-oriented IT services for office affairs would have faster progresses than those user-oriented services generally for the general public. Meanwhile, there is an “oblique integration problem” existed in the different progress of system integration from the central government.
Based on the results found from this study, three suggestions are made regarding IT staff selection and training, IT system outsourcing procedures, and IT services planning and integration. It is the hope of this study that the proposed suggestions could help the local government to further upgrade the IT systems′ security, integrate information services, and enhance the information services quality under the current scarce IT manpower and limited budget situation.
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