摘要(英) |
Nowadays, notebook (NB) has become an indispensable tool for individuals, families and companies. Taiwan has been among the top leader in NB industry worldwide. In order to stay competitive, Taiwan’s NB manufacturing companies need to keep a fast pace in technology innovation. Therefore the project implementation must be on schedule in terms of on time and on budget.
This study employs a case study method to investigate the possible different viewpoints between project team members and their supervisor on the factors influencing subordinates’ performance evaluation results. The NB project development department of a Taiwan’s NB company was chosen as the case department. Secondary data collection and interview are used to collect data. Project team members who score low in the satisfaction on the work assignment fairness also score low in satisfaction on performance evaluation results after project completion. In-depth interviews are conducted to explore the different perception on factors influencing performance valuation results. The study results find that project team members perceive the ability of handling urgent issues critical to getting a good performance evaluation from supervisor. On the other hand, from the supervisor viewpoint, factors important to performance evaluation include the ability to fix complex issues, cooperation with others, ability to handle urgent issues and learning and growth potential. Based on the aforementioned findings, conclusion and empirical implications are provided at the end of this thesis.
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