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論文名稱 文創小禮品之再購意圖研究
★ 以個案研究法探討機械式組織之資訊系統導入★ 銀行企業內部網路導入TCP/IP通信協定之研究
★ 後金控時代臺灣地區金融服務業 薪資決策支援系統之設計研究 --以一家中型證券商為例★ 影響數位在職訓練之學習態度及行為意向研究
★ 台灣銀行業導入電子商務線上金流訊息標準之研究★ 國防訓儲軍士官制度評估
★ 以關係承諾角度探討組織中軟體專案開發之個案研究★ 企業工作流程再造之研究─以銀行發卡流程為例
★ 以個案研究法探討B2B電子商務導入之研究—以汽車售後服務件製造商為例★ 以個案研討方法探討公文簽核流程再造之研究- 以變更資訊部門服務為例
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★ 客訴處理電子化流程管理-以飲料業為例★ 以個案研究法探討企業垃圾郵件防堵
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摘要(中) 近年來,電子商務的蓬勃發展,使得愈來愈多的文創小禮品可以被愈多的消費者所接觸。文創小禮品不僅蘊含了文化意涵與創意構想,更可以賦予教育並融入消費者的日常生活當中。雖然文創小禮品的議題一直備受政府、企業與大眾的高度關注,但是大多數的相關研究僅專注於探討文創小禮品的開發與設計,較少關注於由消費者的知覺觀點了解文創小禮品的特性與吸引力。因此,本研究透過消費者個人經驗與觀點以及網路口碑的影響,進而探討其對文創小禮品之再購意願。本研究經由文獻概念及理論整理之後,提出消費知覺價值與網路口碑會影響其對文創小禮品之再購意圖模型。藉由二階段實驗設計深入探討影響文創小禮品之再購意圖之研究:第一階段進行焦點團體訪談法,藉由參與者的經驗與想法之分享,深入了解文創小禮品消費者的真實想法與觀點,並調整其研究模型構面;第二階段採用研究問卷調查法,透過343份有效問卷進行資料分析與驗證。
摘要(英) Recently, the rapid development of e-commerce has many more cultural and creative gifts accessible to more consumers. Cultural and creative gifts not only possess cultural meanings and creative ideas; but also can provide education and be integrated into the daily lives of consumers, although the topic of cultural and creative gifts have always been highly conserved by the government, businesses, and people. Most of the related research only focuses on the development process and design of cultural and creative gifts with less attention to the perception of consumers from the perceptual p oint of view that characteristics and appeal of cultural and creative gifts present to consumers. Therefore, this study explores the intention to repurchase cultural and creative gifts through the personal experiences and opinions of consumers and the influence of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). Following the concepts and theories from previous studies, this research proposes a model on which consumers’ perception value and eWOM will impact their repurchase intentions with resepect to cultural and creative gifts. We used two stages to explore the consumer’ thinking and perceptions. The first phase of the focus group interview method, shared the participats’ experience and ideas and in-depth understanding of the real ideas of cultural and creative gift after which we adjusted the research model facet. The second phase used the questionnaire data analysis and verification (N=343).
The results indicate that, in addition to supporting the hypothetical: The usefulness of the eWOM is positivity siginificant affects the adoption of the eWOM of cultural and creative gifts’ consumer. The adoption on the eWOM has partial-mediating effect on the relationship between adoption of the eWOM and repurchase intention. The emotional value and quality value of the cultural and creative gifts consumers’ perceived have positively affect the repurchase intentions. Cultural and creative gifts consumers have positively affect repurchase intentions because of good designer interaction. Finally, this study offers the suggestions for management implications guiding desiners and business of cultural and creative gifts, so that the development, design and marketing of cultural and creative gifts can be closer to the basis of the real feelings of consumers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 文創小禮品
★ 焦點團體訪談
★ 設計師互動
★ 消費者知覺價值
★ 再購意圖
關鍵字(英) ★ cultural and creative gifts
★ focus group interview
★ designer interaction
★ consumer perceived value
★ repurchase intention
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
一、    緒論 1
1-1 背景與研究動機 1
1-2 研究問題與研究目標 4
1-3 研究重要性 6
二、    文獻探討 8
2-1 消費者觀點 8
2-2-1 消費者價值(consumer value) 11
2-2-2 再購意圖 19
2-2 網路口碑 21
2-3 文創小禮品(cultural and creative gifts) 28
2-4 小結 35
三、    研究設計 37
3-1 研究模型 37
3-2 焦點團體訪談(focus group interview) 42
3-1-1 焦點團體訪談程序 45
3-1-2 議題討論 46
3-1-3 焦點團體訪談資料處理與分析 48
3-3 第二階段研究模型 51
3-4 變數操作性定義及衡量問項 53
3-4-1 消費者知覺價值 53
3-4-2 網路口碑(eWOM) 57
3-4-3 設計師互動(designer interaction) 58
3-4-4 再購意圖 63
3-5 研究問卷前測 64
四、    資料分析 65
4-1 敘述性樣本特性分析 67
4-2 信度與效度分析 72
4-3 結構模式與實證分析 79
五、    研究結果與討論 88
5-1   研究發現 88
5-2   理論與管理意涵 91
5-3   研究限制與未來研究建議 93
參考文獻 94
附錄一   文化與創意產業 113
附錄二   焦點團體訪談逐字稿 123
附錄三   研究問卷 131
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