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姓名 黃靖雅(Ching-Ya Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 資訊部門留神覺知與隨機應變能力對組織績效之影響
(The Influence of Organizational Mindfulness and Improvisational Capability on Firm Performance in Information Technology Department)
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摘要(中) 隨著商業環境變得更加動盪和複雜,企業需要資訊系統來快速感知及回應環境的變化。組織越來越依賴資訊系統以建立競爭優勢,資訊部門的重要性也隨之增加。然而,由於環境的變動增加,企業的資訊系統比過去更容易受到意外錯誤的影響。為了因應這樣的狀況,資訊部門可以增強“留神覺知”,幫助他們快速且可靠地修復錯誤,以防止事故或系統故障再次發生。此外,為了找到在不可預測的環境中生存的辦法,Pavlou和Sawy(2010)提出了“隨機應變能力”,可以幫助組織自發性地重新配置現有資源,以建立新的營運能力,並能快速處理意外事件。
在本研究中,我們收集了來自台灣前1300大製造企業的數據,以檢驗我們的假設。 研究結果表明:(1)IT部門的留神覺知對組織資訊系統的可靠性有顯著影響,(2)IT部門的隨機應變能力對組織資訊系統的敏捷性有顯著影響,(3)組織資訊系統的敏捷性對公司業績有顯著影響,但組織資訊系統的可靠性對公司業績卻沒有顯著影響。本論文最後討論研究結果的意涵。
摘要(英) As the environment becomes more turbulent and more complex, information system (IS) can help organization to quickly sense and responsive to environmental changes. Organizations are increasingly depended on information systems to build the competitive advantage, and the importance of information technology (IT) department is become increasing. However, information systems are become more vulnerable to unexpected system error than before. Organization can enhance the sense of “mindfulness,” so that they are able to respond quickly and reliably to prevent incidents or system failures. Besides, facing the unpredictable environments, Pavlou and Sawy (2010) found improvisational capability to spontaneously reconfigure existing resources to build new operational capabilities to address urgently.
The study collects data survey from top 1300 Taiwanese manufacturing firms to test the hypotheses. The research findings showed that: (1) organizational mindfulness of IT department has positive influence on reliability of the organization’s information systems, (2) improvisational capability of IT department has positively influence on agility of the organization’s information systems, and (3) the agility of the organization’s information systems has positive influence on firm performance, but the reliability of the organization’s information systems do not. The implications of the study are provided.
關鍵字(中) ★ 組織留神覺知
★ 隨機應變能力
★ 可靠性
★ 敏捷性
關鍵字(英) ★ Organizational mindfulness
★ improvisational capabilities
★ reliability
★ agility
論文目次 Contents
Abstract i
摘要 ii
Contents iv
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 4
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Organizational Mindfulness 5
2.1.1 Individual Mindfulness 5
2.1.2 Organizational Mindfulness 5
2.2 Reliability of the Organization’s Information Systems 8
2.3 Improvisational Capability 9
2.4 Agility of the Organization’s Information Systems 10
3. Research Model and Hypotheses 12
3.1 Research Framework 12
3.2 Research Hypothesis 12
3.2.1 Organizational Mindfulness of IT department and Reliability of the Organization’s Information Systems 12
3.2.2 Improvisational Capability of IT department and Agility of the Organization’s Information Systems 16
3.2.3 Reliability of the Organization’s Information Systems and Firm Performance 17
3.2.4 Agility of the Organization’s Information Systems and Firm Performance 18
4. Research Methodology 19
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection 19
4.2 Operationalization of Constructs 19
4.2.1 Organizational Mindfulness of IT Dpartment 20
4.2.2 Reliability of Organization’s Information Systems 26
4.2.3 Improvisational Capability of IT Department 26
4.2.4 Agility of Organization’s Information Systems 27
4.2.5 Firm Performance 28
4.3 Control Variables 29
4.4 Research Procedures 30
5. Data Analysis and Results 31
5.1 Response Rate 31
5.2 Descriptive Statistics 31
5.3 Measurement Model 34
5.3.1 Examination of Second-Order Constructs 34
5.3.2 Reliability and Validity 37
5.4 Structural Model 43
6. Conclusions 46
6.1 Findings and Discussions 46
6.2 Theoretical Contributions and Managerial Implications 47
6.3 Limitations and Future Research 48
References 49
Appendix Questionnaire 59

List of Figure
Figure 3-1 Highly Technical Diagram 12
Figure 5-1 The Results of PLS and Bootstrapping 45

List of Tables
Table 4-1 Description of Construct Measurement 20
Table 4-2 Measurement Items of Organizational Mindfulness 21
Table 4-3 Measurement Items of Reliability of Organization’s Information Systems 26
Table 4-4 Measurement Items of Improvisational Capability 27
Table 4-5 Measurement Items of Agility of Organization’s Information Systems 28
Table 4-6 Measurement Items of Firm Performance 29
Table 4-7 Measurement Items of Control Variables 30
Table 5-1 Characteristics of Respondents (N=136) 32
Table 5-2 Characteristics of Companies (N=136) 33
Table 5-3 The Loadings of Five Dimensions of Organizational Mindfulness 35
Table 5-4 The Loadings of Five Dimensions of Organizational Mindfulness (adjusted) 35
Table 5-5 The Loadings of the Dimensions of the Other Second-Order Constructs 36
Table 5-6 Hierarchical Measurement Model Results 36
Table 5-7 Cross Loadings of Measurement Items 39
Table 5-8 Correlation Matrix and Composite Reliability Scores 41
Table 5-9 Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) Ratio of Correlation 42
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2019-7-25
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