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姓名 楊鈞元(Chun-Yuan Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
(A Novel NMF-Based Movie Recommendation with Time Decay)
★ 台灣50走勢分析:以多重長短期記憶模型架構為基礎之預測★ 以多重遞迴歸神經網路模型為基礎之黃金價格預測分析
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摘要(中) 現今最流行處理大量數據集的方法之一是矩陣分解(MF)技術,矩陣分解常用於在推薦系統中,因為其預測用戶興趣有著非常高的準確度。特別是非負值矩陣分解(NMF)已經被證明能夠非常有效利用多變量數據集的分解。然而即使是NMF技術,也無法完全捕捉到時間對於用戶喜好的影響程度。
本研究利用使用者因為時間影響而對喜好的改變,我們提出兩個基於傳統NMF的創新推薦系統 Dec_NMF,透過有效的時間影響,考慮使用者對於喜好的改變。Dec_NMF 包含了人類喜好行為隨著時間改變的概念,考慮使用者目前喜好的偏好,並將評分時間過長的資訊做衰減的處理。
摘要(英) One of the most popular approaches to handle very large datasets is matrix factorization(MF) technique. The MF method was commonly used in recommendation systems due to the precise prediction of the user’s interest. Especially one of the successful method Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) has previously been shown to be a useful decomposition for multivariate data. NMF-based techniques, however, could not properly capture time influences on user preferences.
In this paper, by considering time impacts on preferences, we propose two novel NMF-based recommendation system, Dec_NMF, to consider user preferences over time. Our proposed method extends the concept of the change of human interest through time to capture user’s current preference and reduce impacts which was rated from a long time ago. We adjust the rating using three different linear and three different non-linear time decay. Each function represents different decay degree of preferences to simulate the human’s interest behavior. The experimental results show that proposed methods outperforms the traditional MF and NMF model. Furthermore, we apply Dec_NMF on MovieLens datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of Dec_NMF recommendation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 推薦系統
★ 隱因子模型
★ 矩陣分解
★ 線性代數演算法
★ 非線性代數演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ recommendation system
★ latent factor model
★ matrix factorization
★ linear algebra algorithm
★ non-linear algebra algorithm
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of contents iii
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work and Preliminary 9
2.1 Matrix Factorization 9
2.2 Recommendation on MF 12
2.3 Time Influence 14
2.4 Preliminary 15
3. Proposed Recommendation System: Dec_NMF 16
3.1 Time decay 16
3.1.1 Linear time decay 18
3.1.2 Non-linear time decay 21
3.2 Non-negative Matrix Factorization 25
3.3 Prediction Module of Dec_NMF 27
4. Performance Evaluation 28
4.1 Experiment setup 28
4.2 Effectiveness Evaluation 31
4.3 Analysis on Overall Performance 35
4.4 Comparing Model Performance on Precision, Recall and F1 score 36
4.5 Discussion on Parameter Settings 46
5. Conclusion 47
Reference 48
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指導教授 陳以錚(Yi-Cheng Chen) 審核日期 2019-7-26
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