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姓名 鄒雅韻(Ya-Yun Tsou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 從實踐中湧現的說故事專家知識─實踐社群理論觀點
(A Master Storyteller′s Knowledge Emerged through Practice — A Communities of Practice Perspective)
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摘要(中) 說故事專家常能在聽眾未知、狀況多元的現場即興展演。然而,過去說故事研究多聚焦在既有教案的演示與技巧傳授,未深探專家如何權變展演。本研究以實踐社群理論為鏡頭,揭露說故事社群中說故事專家的現場學習情境與即興湧現之專家實踐知識。採個案研究,以一位說故事專家投入的三十多場活動為研究場域,蒐集訪談、觀察和各場次之相關文件,並以相互投入、共同事業、共享資源為概念工具作分析。研究結果有三:一、說故事者在實踐社群中透過多重投入參與而成為專家。二、在共同追求說故事事業過程中,重新協商說故事者從既有的—完美準備教案、能言善道、獨佔舞台之刻板印象,轉為保持彈性、洗耳恭聽、與聽眾共舞之專家關切。三、指認出專家實踐知識即是在拋與接的即興之中,各種危機挑戰的轉化之中,與聽眾一起展演的共創之中蘊生,並成為社群之共享資源,從而刻劃著說故事事業的樣貌。研究貢獻有三:一者在於用參與典範看待說故事專家的學習軌跡,因而看到原本習得典範下不易看到的實踐知識;再者,將說故事活動的說者與聽者視為一個社群,聚焦於社群成員和說故事事業之間相互形塑的關係,提供另一種新的理解;三者是提拔出說故事專家知識的座落處,為說故事新手指引一條新航道。
摘要(英) Storytelling experts are good at giving impromptu performances to unknown audiences and under different situations. This study did not discuss the learning effects of storytelling in teaching, nor did it explore the techniques and rules of storytelling. Instead, through the lens of Communities of Practice, this study revealed the learning contexts of a master storyteller from a storytelling community and the expert knowledge emerged through practice from multiple contexts full of uncertainty.
The present study was a case study and the research questions focused on how, what and where did the master storyteller learn. Interviews, observation notes and related documents were collected from up to 30 storytelling and workshop sessions in which the master storyteller had engaged. Mutual engagement, joint enterprise, and shared repertoire were the conceptual tools used for further analysis.
The present study yielded three findings. First, through multiple engagement in the storytelling communities of practice, the storyteller had gradually become a master storyteller. Second, in pursuit of a storytelling enterprise, the storyteller had constantly negotiated with the members of the storytelling communities and had gradually exhibited features beyond the stereotypical types of voluble and solo raconteurs with well-prepared plans. Instead, being flexible to, being all ears to, and playing ensemble with the audiences were what the master storyteller had put into practice in the storytelling enterprise. Third, it was in the improvisation of throwing and catching, in various transformations of challenging crises, and in the co-creation of storytelling performance with the audiences that the expert knowledge had been identified. The expert knowledge later developed into a shared repertoire of the community, and shaped the landscape of storytelling enterprise.
From this study, there are three contributions. First, from the participation paradigm, the learning trajectory of a master storyteller and the expert knowledge in practice could be recognized, some of which could not be easily observed from the perspective of acquisition paradigm. Besides, a new understanding emerges if the storyteller and the audiences of a storytelling session are regarded as a community, focusing on the mutually-shaped relationships between the community members and the storytelling enterprise. Finally, the present study identified the locus of expert knowledge in storytelling and navigated a new course for the storytelling novices.
關鍵字(中) ★ 即興能力
★ 參與典範
★ 專家知識
★ 說故事專家
★ 實踐社群理論
關鍵字(英) ★ Improvisation
★ Participation Paradigm
★ Expert Knowledge
★ Storytelling Experts
★ Communities of Practice
論文目次 中文摘要 …………………………………………………………………………i
英文摘要 …………………………………………………………………………ii
致謝 ……………………………………………………………………………iv
目錄 ……………………………………………………………………………vi
圖目錄 …………………………………………………………………………viii
表目錄 ……………………………………………………………………………ix
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究契機 3
1-3 研究目的 5
1-4 問題意識與研究問題 5
1-4-1 說故事專家的實踐社群知識如何形塑 5
1-4-2 說故事專家所關心的實踐社群知識為何 6
1-4-3 說故事專家的實踐知識在哪裡發生 7
1-5 名詞定義 7
二、文獻探討 10
2-1 說故事研究的傳統取徑與文獻評析 10
2-1-1 說故事的傳統取徑 11
2-1-2 說故事人才培育研究現況 14
2-1-3 說故事技巧研究現況 17
2-2 說故事事業的新視野:實踐社群理論 21
2-2-1 實踐社群理論概述 22
2-2-2 用實踐社群理論之實證研究 28
三、研究方法 31
3-1 研究設計 31
3-2 研究對象 32
3-3 研究場域 34
3-4 資料蒐集 37
3-4-1 參與觀察法 37
3-4-2 訪談法 38
3-4-3 文件蒐集法 38
3-5 資料處理與分析 39
四、研究結果 43
4-1 說故事專家之實踐知識的學習情境 43
4-1-1 在不同的投入中學習成為說故事專家 43
4-1-2 與成員一起投入說故事事業 57
4-1-3 相互投入引發緊張關係 60
4-1-4 小結 64
4-2 說故事專家所關心之實踐知識樣貌 65
4-2-1 保持彈性比完美準備更重要 66
4-2-2 洗耳恭聽比能言善道更重要 72
4-2-3 相互給予力量比獨佔舞台更重要 82
4-2-4 小結 89
4-3 說故事專家之實踐知識的座落 90
4-3-1 捨棄按表操課的設限走向鍛鍊拋接的即興力 90
4-3-2 卸下害怕出錯的畏縮心態擁抱危機中的生機 98
4-3-3 擅長援引觀眾為資源:與聽眾一起共創獨一無二的故事 106
4-3-4 小結 116
4-4 台後教學與台前展演與幼教學院知識之特性對照 118
4-4-1 綜合分析學院培訓知識、專家「說」知識和「實踐」知識的特性 119
4-4-2 小結 127
五、結論與建議 131
5-1 結論 131
5-2 研究貢獻 134
5-3 研究限制 135
5-4 未來研究建議 136
參考文獻 137
附錄一:訪談大綱 141
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指導教授 陳斐卿 審核日期 2019-7-31
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