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(Kinematic Optimization of a Reconfigurable Spherical Parallel Mechanism for Robotic Assisted Craniotomy)
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摘要(中) 開顱為一種手術方法,藉由此方法進入患者的大腦,此論文也介紹了神經外科手術所用的專門開顱路徑。現今,大部分用於開顱手術的器具都是半自動的,與舊型的開顱器具相比,現在的型態可以提供更高級別的安全性,然而,使用時還是存在一些風險並來自操作員(疲勞、震動或其他運動等),在接下來的文獻中會說明幾種用於開顱之機器人系統,但是大多數的機器人系統對於機構運動學的關注甚少。
由於開顱手術器具之應用包含遠程中心點,且此點沒有物理旋轉關節(Remote Center of Motion, RCM),所以採用三個自由度的球型並聯機構來操控手術鑽頭,藉由調整此機構的基礎配置以觀察其性能之改變,例如工作空間或靈活性,性能改變可研究可調整之球型並聯機構的運動學,以建立重構參數與機構特性之間的關係,藉由上述之運動學,並對新型機構進行最佳化且討論此結果。對收集到的鑽顱軌跡是用於評估最佳化結果的一個指標,然後與舊型的球型並聯機構進行對照,顯示兩種機構對靈活性的貢獻,最後,介紹機械設計概念來實現重構球型並聯機構所引進的配置。
摘要(英) The craniotomy is a surgical task that is required to allow access to the patient’s brain. It consists in using neurosurgical drills to open a path through the skull. Today, most surgical tools dedicated to craniotomy are semi-automatic. This feature can provide a higher level of safety compared to fully classical tool. However, there are still a risk coming from the motion of a Human operator (fatigue, shacking, recall motion, etc.). Several robotic systems for craniotomy has been reported in the literature but most of them demonstrate too little concern to the kinematic requirement of the task. As this medical application requires a Remote Center of motion, the 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Mechanism (SPM) is proposed to manipulate the surgical drill. The mechanism can adjust the configuration of its base to improve its performances, such as workspace and dexterity. The kinematic of a new Reconfigurable SPM (RSPM) is studied to establish the relationship between this reconfigurable parameter and the mechanism characteristics. A series of motion capture experiments on Human cadavers have allowed collecting the kinematic data of the surgical drill during craniotomy. Based on these data and on the kinematic analysis of the mechanism, the optimization of the RSPM is performed. The drill motion trajectories are used to evaluate the behavior of the optimized mechanism. It is then compared to the classical SPM with classical trihedral base, showing the contribution of the new reconfiguration variable on the mechanism dexterity. Finally, a mechanical design concept is introduced to implement this reconfiguration feature to the RSPM.
關鍵字(中) ★ 開顱手術
★ 遠程中心點
★ 可調整之球型並聯機構
★ 最佳化
關鍵字(英) ★ Craniotomy
★ Spherical Parallel Mechanism
★ Reconfigurable Mechanism
★ Optimization
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Explanation of Symbols ix
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Presentation of Craniotomy 1
1-2 Literature Review on Craniotomy Robots 2
1-3 Mechanical Architectures for Remote Center of Motion 3
1-4 Reconfigurable Mechanisms 7
1-5 Literature Review Analysis and Research objectives 8
2 Specification analysis for Craniotomy 11
2-1 Experimental Protocol 11
2-2 Kinematic Results and Specifications 12
3 Kinematic analysis of the Reconfigurable Spherical Parallel Mechanism 16
3-1 Presentation of the Classical Spherical Parallel Mechanism 16
3-2 New Parameter Definition and Kinematic Model 17
3-3 Workspace of the Reconfigurable Spherical Parallel Mechanism 19
3-4 Kinematic Performance of the Re-Configurable Spherical Parallel Mechanism 29
4 Optimization Process of RSPM for Craniotomy Application 34
4-1 Optimization Problem Formulation 34
4-1-1 Workspace 34
4-1-2 Architectural compactness 35
4-1-3 Dexterity 36
4-2 Optimization Method and Results 37
4-3 Behavior on The Optimum Mechanism 40
4-4 Comparison with Optimum and Classical Mechanism 43
5 Manipulator Design 48
5-1 Design of the RCM mechanism 48
5-2 Design of the manipulator base for craniotomy 50
6 Conclusion 53
Reference 54
Appendix A 59
Appendix B 67
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指導教授 伊泰龍 賴景義(Térence Essomba Lai Jiing Yih) 審核日期 2019-7-12
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