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姓名 葉輝煌(Huei-Huang Yeh) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 營建管理研究所 論文名稱 公共工程的預防式工程界面管理之研究以捷運計畫施工界面的建構為例
(Preventive Interface Management for Complex Capital Projects A Case Study of Mass Rapid Transit Project Construction)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 對落實大型公共工程計畫中數千個潛藏且複雜工程界面的有效管理,一直為營建施工管理層面上所關切與聚焦的重點。近年來,因為類似的基礎建設計畫的複雜性和管理範圍又摻雜入額外的全球化、跨地域間配送和多種工作文化協同作業等需求條件,更增管理層面上的嚴峻挑戰,以及在各相關界面利害者間,滋生眾多不可預見的工程風險。
摘要(英) Engineering interface management (EIM) practices have been the focus of construction management concerns to effectively manage thousands of embedded and complicated engineering interfaces in complex capital projects. Recently, management challenges have increased since the complexity and scope of the scale of these infrastructure projects are combined with additional globalization, multiple geographical distribution and coordination among various working cultures with unforeseen construction risks among interfacing stakeholders.
Mass rapid transit (MRT) projects comprise one class of projects. This type of combined construction engineering work, which consists of numerous different trades of civil/architectural, related subworks and patent electrical and mechanical subsystems supplied by global system suppliers, is binding with tedious and complicated engineering interfaces throughout the construction life cycles. The design and construction of these MRT projects requires a sophisticated process of integration among different types of engineering work interfaces, including civil and architectural, track work, escalators/elevators, mechanical/electrical/plumbing, environmental control systems, and core electrical and mechanical systems, in which issues are frequently encountered and required for solutions in the interface management (IM) of traditional capital projects construction. Therefore, this MRT project can serve as the perfect template for developing applicable IM methodology for effectively resolving interfacing issues; it can be extended to other kinds of capital projects.
Traditionally, interface design integration for an MRT project primarily focuses on the integration needs of specific interface requirements among civil, electrical and mechanical (E&M) subsystems, such as the production of structural, electrical and mechanical drawings or combined services drawings and their construction. However, this approach does not pre-evaluate and filter all engineering necessities on subsystems’ interdependencies before considering all necessary physical interfaces between the chosen E&M specifications and designated civil designs. When the designs are completed, all engineering interfaces that are needed or unneeded are embedded and require time and resources to manage during construction. When these interfaces are not thoroughly revealed and preplanned for timely management, they generate countless disputes among project parties in the construction stage and considerably delay the total progress. Some of the conflicting outcomes may further extend their impacts to the operation stage, which induce inefficient maintenance or operation procedures and reduce the total service efficacy.
The objective of this thesis, by taking the proven advantages of the design-build (DB) type of contracting, is to propose a series of stepwise procedures in a preventive scenario for developing a completed and effective IM solution for DB MRT project design and construction, which can be easily extended and reused in other capital projects with similar complex interfaces in the future. Its core methodology is to use all as-built experiences of these IM issues, including failures in Taiwan MRT constructions, as the basis to perform a thorough and systematic review to identify the types of dependencies of recurrent interface issues. These summaries will then be applied to generalize reusable IM criteria for design and construction stages. The criteria include (1) the development of a reusable preventive design criteria to preemptively and effectively minimize the engineering interfaces during the initial design stage; (2) the design of an efficient stepwise IM solution for managing the engineering interface in the construction stage; and (3) the exploration of the potential applicability of this IM methodology to extend to other complex capital projects. This thesis has demonstrated a new way for the preventive IM concept to immediately minimize the project interfaces in the design stage to achieve effective and efficient management performance for significantly reducing the total construction time by an average of 37% and conserve project resources.
The preventive interface design criteria and construction IM procedures of this study contribute to the EIM body of knowledge and demonstrate great potential in reducing construction time and resources, as well as contract disputes for DB capital contracts.
關鍵字(中) ★ 捷運系統
★ 設計及施工契約
★ 捷運工程設計界面整合
★ 界面管理
★ 網狀界面點
★ 預防式界面設計準則
★ 營建管理
★ 契約管理關鍵字(英) ★ Mass rapid transit
★ design-build contract
★ MRT design interface integration
★ interface management
★ interface point network
★ preventive interface design criteria
★ construction management
★ contract management論文目次 Abstract..................................................I
中文摘要(Abstract in Chinese).............................IV
Table of Contents.......................................VII
List of Figures...........................................X
List of Tables..........................................XII
Chapter 1 Introduction....................................1
1.1 Background and Motivation.............................1
1.2 Research Objectives...................................4
1.3 Research Scope........................................6
1.4 Research Methodology..................................7
1.5 Thesis Structure......................................9
Chapter 2 Literature Review..............................11
2.1 Project Life Cycle and Engineering Interface.........11
2.2 Past Experience and Interface Management in
2.3 Interface Management under Different Types of
2.4 Summary..............................................18
Chapter 3 Performance Review on the IMS of MRT Project
3.1 Data Collection and Analysis Methodology.............19
3.2 Efficacy and Ineffectiveness under Current IMS Scenario .........................................................23
3.3 Root Causes of Schedule Overrun on Past MRT Lines....27
3.4 Summary..............................................28
Chapter 4 Preventive Interface Management Proposal in the
Design Stage...................................29
4.1 Methodology for Interface Management in a Preventive
Design Scenario......................................29
4.2 Identification of Key Design Interfaces from Past MRT
Projects among Main Stakeholders.....................29
4.3 Evaluating IPs’ Logical Relationships and Identifying Types of Recurrent Dependencies..........................35
4.4 Generalizing IM Criteria from IP Interdependencies...36
4.5 Developing the Preventive Interface Design Criteria..37
4.6 Implementation on Real Cases.........................41
4.7 Management Implication...............................57
Chapter 5 Stepwise IM Proposal for Construction and Testing
5.1 IM Methodology for Construction and Testing..........59
5.2 Identification of the Key Construction Interface
Correlation and Work Scope...........................60
5.3 Allocation of Interface Scope Responsibilities and
Criteria Using a Phase Approach......................61
5.4 Preplanning the Interface Work Sequences for the
Construction and T&C Stages..........................64
5.5 Set up Interface Organizations with Veto Authorization
..................................................... 70
5.6 Validation of Real Cases.............................75
5.7 Management Implication...............................78
Chapter 6 Extending Preventive IM Processes to Other Capital
6.1 Comparison Between Large Scale Capital Projects and MRT
6.2 Evaluation for Using the IM Procedure in Other Capital
6.3 Summary..............................................81
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work....................82
7.1 Conclusions..........................................82
7.2 Contributions........................................84
7.3 Limitations or Conditions............................85
7.4 Recommendation for Future Work.......................86
References ..............................................87
Appendix A Summary of As-Built Level 1 and 2 Interface WBS
for an MRT Project...........................93
Appendix B Subsystem Interfaces Scope Allocation Matrix
Appendix C Taipei MRT Line Project Handover Criteria for
Interfacing Regions..........................97
Section 1. Station Handover..............................97
Section 2. Criteria of Completed Guideway Handover......100
Section 3. Criteria of Power Distribution Substation
Section 4. Bulk Power System Substation Handover........103
Section 5. Depot Facilities Handover....................104
Section 6 General Notes.................................104
Appendix D Demonstration of Predefined Interface Activity
Construction Sequences and Flow Chart of Interface
Scope Items...................................106
(1) General Interface Sequence for A Building Structure 106
(2) Interface Activity Sequence and Logic Among Different Cooperative IPs of Subsystems and Subworks..............106
T&C Sequences and Flow Chart of Interface Scope Items...110
(3) Interface Work Sequence of Power-On and System Testing
Procedures..........................................110參考文獻 1. Ahn, S., Shokri, S., Lee, S., Haas, C., and Haas, R. (2016). “Exploratory study on the effectiveness of interface-management practices in dealing with project complexity in large-scale engineering and construction projects.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)ME. 1943-5479.0000488, 04016039.
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