摘要(英) |
A joint development project is performed by the cooperation between public agencies and private sectors to build certain buildings or facilities in a specific development area defined through the processes regulated by urban plans. The development area is normally provided mostly by the government and some by private owners while the buildings or facilities are construct by certain investors. After the buildings or facilities are installed, value of the equity is appraised and then distributed to these three contributing parties. However, since there are vague terms or conditions in the appraisal mechanism, such as the way to obtain appraisal results, no definition on appraisal date, etc.; disputes occur very often among these three parties.
This research started from a comprehensive literature review on the history, evolvement, current situation, and related regulations of joint development projects of the Taipei Metro System. Potential problems in the evolvement of regulations after various disputes were also explored. An expert interview was then conducted to investigate the rationale behind the evolvement of regulations. Opinions from the governmental agencies, investors, arbitrators, lawyers, scholars, and real estate appraiser were also obtained and concluded during the interview.
Finally, this research summarized potential problems and directions of modifications of current regulations for the joint development projects and then proposed crucial suggestions for the governmental agencies, land owners, and investors. Results of this research are expected to reduce possible disputes or risks to increase willingness of the investors, and to create a triple wins situation for these three parties in the joint development projects.
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