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姓名 張和忠(Ho-Chung Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 溫室氣體盤查與減量評估 —以某半導體封測廠為例
(Greenhouse Gases Inventory and Reduction Assessment – Take a Semiconductor Packaging and Testing Plant as an Example)
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摘要(中) 本文依據行政院環保署2016年6月公告的「溫室氣體盤查與登錄指引」,盤查一家半導體封裝測試廠(以下稱案例廠)溫室氣體排放量,調查並量化2018年溫室氣體排放量及能源耗用,以減緩全球暖化趨勢,案例廠並將此結果作為企業經營策略的重要指標之一。
研究結果顯示,2018年間溫室氣體總排放量為 245,588.22 公噸CO2e/年,與 2017 年相比多出 31,094.98 公噸CO2e/年,主因為擴廠造成電力使用上升,在各範疇溫室氣體排放佔比中,範疇一(直接排放量)佔整體排放量 0.94%,範疇二(電力使用間接排放量)放佔整體排放量 99.06 %。進一步分析各範疇排放源,範疇一分析中以移動燃燒排放為主要排放源,範疇二以電力使用為主要排放源,其中又以廠務設備的空調與空壓系統為主要的用電來源。與同儕公司所公布數據比較,發現案例廠產品碳排放強度及單位產品用電排碳量皆優於同儕公司,差異主因可能在於選用排放係數、無塵室等級需求、產品型式造成用電量不同。
最後,在節能減碳措施方面,案例廠規劃在2019年實施5項節能措施,估算可節能 3,424.62千度電,CO2排放量則減少1,897.24公噸 CO2e/年。
摘要(英) This study compiled greenhouse gases inventory of a semiconductor packaging and testing plant (henceforward, referred to as this plant) by following “the greenhouse gas inventory and registration guidelines” promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan in June 2016. The greenhouse gas emission sources and energy consumption in 2018 were investigated and quantified to mitigate the global warming trend. This plant is intended to take the inventory results as one of its important indicators of business management strategy.
The results showed that the greenhouse gas emissions in 2018 were 245,588.22 metric tons of CO2e/year. The amount increased about 31,094.98 metric tons of CO2e/year compared with 2017, which was due to the increase in power usage by expanding the plant capacity. Among the greenhouse-gas emission percentages of each scope in total, scope 1 (direct emissions) accounted for 0.94% of the total emissions and scope 2 (indirect emissions for power usage) accounted for 99.06% of the total emissions. Further analysis on each scope revealed that the transportation combustion source was the significant sources in scope 1 and power usage was the dominant source of scope 2. Among the various power usages, air conditioning and air pressure system were the two most significant ones in this plant. Comparing with the data released by the peer company, this plant had a superior carbon emission intensity of the product and the electricity consumption per unit of the product. The significant reasons for the deviation may lie in the differences of emission factor selections, the requirements of cleanroom classes, and the product types.
Finally, in the measures of energy-saving and carbon-reduction, this plant planned to implement five energy-saving projects to save a total of 3,424.62 MWh and reduce CO2 emissions of 1,897.24 metric tons of CO2e/year in 2019.
關鍵字(中) ★ 溫室氣體盤查
★ 半導體封測廠
★ 節能減碳
★ 減量評估
關鍵字(英) ★ Greenhouse Gases Inventory
★ Semiconductor packaging and testing
★ Energy saving and carbon emission reduction
★ Reduction assessment
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 半導體封測產業製程概述 4
2.2 全球企業排碳量 4
2.3 IPCC第五次評估報告 5
2.4 溫室氣體盤查議定書 6
2.5 ISO/CNS 14064系列標準 7
2.5.1 ISO14064-1 溫室氣體標準 8
2.5.2 ISO14064-2 溫室氣體標準 9
2.5.3 ISO14064-3 溫室氣體標準 9
2.6 溫室氣體減量實際案例 10
第三章 研究內容與方法 12
3.1 研究流程與步驟 12
3.2 營運/組織邊界設定 13
3.3 擬定基準年 15
3.4 排放源鑑別 16
3.5 排放源計算量化方法 23
3.6 盤查數據不確定性量化&品質管理 25
第四章 結果與討論 28
4.1 溫室氣體計算量化 28
4.2 蒐集活動數據 32
4.3 選用排放係數 34
4.4 建立排放量清冊 41
4.5 溫室氣體盤查結果 46
4.5.1 溫室氣體直接排放量(範疇一)分析 47
4.5.2 溫室氣體間接排放量(範疇二)分析 48
4.5.3 其他間接排放(範疇三)分析 49
4.5.4 不同年度溫室氣體總排放量比較 50
4.5.5 同儕排放量比較 53
4.5.6 數據不確定分析 55
4.5.7 盤查過程困難點 57
4.6 溫室氣體盤查結果分析比較 58
4.7 擬定溫室氣體減量對策 61
4.8 其它節能減碳方案 65
第五章 結論與建議 67
5.1 成果彙整及結論 67
5.2 後續研究建議 68
參考文獻 69
附錄一 熱值引用&燃料原始排放係數資訊彙整表 73
附錄二 全球溫暖化潛勢值彙整表 75
附錄三 節能效益估算方式 76
附錄四 口試問題與答覆 80
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指導教授 李崇德(Chung-Te Lee) 審核日期 2019-7-25
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