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姓名 庫斯馬(KUSUMA)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 探討港口數位化架構之設置-以印度尼西亞之海運“海洋高速公路” “Sea Toll”為例
(Developing a Framework for the Digitalization of Seaports: A Case Study of “Sea-Toll” Project in Indonesia.)
★ 二階段作業研究模式於立體化設施規劃應用之探討–以半導體製造廠X及Y公司為例★ 推行TPM活動以改善設備總合效率並提昇 企業競爭力...以U公司桃園工廠為例
★ 資訊系統整合業者行銷通路策略之研究★ 以決策樹法歸納關鍵製程暨以群集法識別關鍵路徑
★ 關鍵績效指標(KPI)之建立與推行 - 在造紙業★ 應用實驗計劃法- 提昇IC載板錫球斷面品質最佳化之研究
★ 如何從歷史鑽孔Cp值導出新設計規則進而達到兼顧品質與降低生產成本目標★ 產品資料管理系統建立及導入-以半導體IC封裝廠C公司為例
★ 企業由設計代工轉型為自有品牌之營運管理★ 運用六標準差步驟與FMEA於塑膠射出成型之冷料改善研究(以S公司為例)
★ 台灣地區輪胎產業經營績效之研究★ 以方法時間衡量法訂定OLED面板蒸鍍有機材料更換作業之時間標準
★ 利用六標準差管理提升生產效率-以A公司塗料充填流程改善為例★ 依流程相似度對目標群組做群集分析- 以航空發動機維修廠之自修工件為例
★ 設計鏈績效衡量指標建立 —以電動巴士產業A公司為例★ 應用資料探勘尋找影響太陽能模組製程良率之因子研究
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摘要(中) 海洋運輸是個重要的全球活動之一,對多島國家印尼而言尤為重要。海港相關利益者之間的存在相互依存關係,凸顯於海港中貨櫃船運輸重要性,因此海港中的調度彈性與競爭力之影響為“sea toll”研究計劃中主要的調查因子之一。自從 “sea toll” 一個概念該是由美國政府於2011年發起的,在群島國家中, 有意很少研究或明確的標準與 “sea toll” 系統的發展有關。研究過程中基於對港口主要利益相關者的線調查,包括船運公司,港口當局,商品公司和印尼政府。 我們的研究分為三個階段。首先,我們通過使用層次分析法和質量功能部署方法來總體分析海港物流系統的應變能力。結果顯示改善港口績效標準並支持物流系統和措施復原力相關的是先進信息技術系統的增強。

第二階段,重點放在層次分析法“sea toll”計劃問題上,同時從和措施復原力和企業競爭力方面分析“sea toll”計劃實施的影響措施復原力對於印尼群島的海港。“sea toll” 的分析結果對於計劃的抵禦力和競爭力的作用的分析結果表明,提高抵禦力主要是基於與夥伴或利益相關者建立協作計劃的有效策略。在研究的最後階段,通過設計集成的IoT框架,通過移動應用程序同步所有區域中每個港口利益相關方的整個管理流程,從而提供了創新的解決方案。通過每個港口利益相關者的所有管理流程集成到在線系統,特別是在時間和成本方面,港口系統服務性能將更加有效。
摘要(英) Maritime transportation has been one of the most important global activities, especially for archipelago countries such as Indonesia. The interdependence between stakeholder of seaports especially in container seaports led us to investigate the impact of the “sea toll” program on the seaport’s resilience and competitiveness. Since the concept of a “sea toll” was initiated by the US government in 2011, there are only a few, studies or clear standards related to the development of “sea toll” systems in archipelago countries. The research process is based on an online survey of key stakeholders of seaports including shipping companies, seaport authorities, commodity companies, and the Indonesian government. Our study divided into three stages. First, we analyze the resilience measurement of the seaport logistics system in general by using the analytical hierarchy process and quality function deployment approaches. The result shows that improving port performance standards and support the logistics system has highly associated with resilience measures is an enhancement of the advanced information technology system.
While in the second stage, we focus on the issue of the “sea toll” program based on the analytical hierarchy process approach, we analyze the impact of the implementation of the “sea toll” program in terms of the resilience measures and competitiveness of the seaports in the Indonesian archipelago. The results of the analysis on the "sea toll" program regarding the role of resilience and competitiveness indicate that increasing resilience is based primarily on effective strategies in building collaborative programs with partners or stakeholders involved. And on the last phase of the study provides an innovative solution by designing an integrated IoT framework to synchronize the entire administrative process of each port stakeholder in all regions through a mobile application. Through integrating all administrative processes of each port stakeholder to online system, the port system service performance will be more effective and efficient especially in terms of time and cost.
關鍵字(中) ★ Sea-Toll計劃
★ 復原力
★ 競爭力
關鍵字(英) ★ Sea Toll Program
★ Resilience
★ Competitiveness
論文目次 Contents

摘 要 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………i
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………….....ii
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………………v
List of Tables……………………………………………………………………………………...…..vi
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….…..1
1.1 Review to the Maritime Sector in Indonesia ..…………………………………………….1
1.2 Related Literature on the Maritime Sector……….………………..………………………..3
Chapter 2 Analysis of Seaport Logistics Resilience System………………….……………………….…..8
2.1 The Seaports System……...…………………………………………………………….....11
2.2 Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)……………………………………………….............13
2.3 Quality Function Deployment (QFD)……………………………………………...…….15
2.4 The Integrated AHP-QFD Model ………………………………………………………..17
2.5 Result and Discussion …………………………………………………………………...21
2.5.1 AHP Model of Seaport System …………………….......……………………22
2.5.2 First HOQ Linking AHP Output and Performance Standard of Port Operation……………………………………………………………………..27
2.5.3 Second HOQ Linking First HOQ output and Resilience Measures …………31
2.5.4 Resilience Measures …………………………………………………………32
Chapter 3 Analysis the Impact of the “Sea Toll” Program for Seaports ……………………….……35
3.1 The Indonesia “Sea Toll” Program ……………………………………………………...36
3.1.1 Sea Toll System for Container Services ……………………………………….38
3.1.2 Sea Toll System for Passenger & Cruises Services …………………………...40
3.2 Development of the Seaport System from a Theoretical Aspect ………………………..42
3.3 The Impact of the “Sea Toll” Program on Seaport Resilience and Competitiveness……44
3.4 Research Methodology ………………………………………………………………….49
3.5 Data Analysis and Discussion …………………………………………………………..53
3.5.1 The Impact of “Sea Toll” on Seaport Resilience ……………………………...53
3.5.2 The Impact of “Sea Toll” on Seaport Competitiveness ……………………….56
3.6 Implication and Conclusion ……………………………………………………………..58
Chapter 4 IOT Framework to Support “Sea Toll” Program………………………………………....60
4.1 Internet of Things on Seaport System …………………………………………………...63
4.2 Research Process ………………………………………………………………………...65
4.3 The Objective and Main Function of Design in IOT Maritime Transportation System…69
4.3.1 Design of Port Service User …………………………………………………...71
4.3.2 Design of Shipping Company Service System ………………………………..72
4.3.3 Design of Port Authority System ……………………………………………...73
4.3.4 Design of Government System ………………………………………………..73
4.4 Implication and Recommendation ………………………………………………………74
4.4.1 Implication for Practice ………………………………………………………..75
4.4.2 Implication for Theoretical …………………………………………………….76
Chapter 5 Summary…………………………………………………………………………….…….78

List of Figure

Figure 1 Framework of Research Analysis………………………………………………………….18
Figure 2 Framework of QFD………………………………..………………………………………19
Figure 3 Flowchart of The First HOQ…………………………………………….………………...20
Figure 4 Flowchart of The Second HOQ…………………………………….………………….…..21
Figure 5 Indonesian Main Sea-Corridor…………………………………………………………….37
Figure 6 Chart of Sea Toll Elements for Container Services….........................................................39
Figure 7 Shipping Industry Supporting……..……………………………………………….……...40
Figure 8 Chart of Sea Toll Elements for Passenger Services & Cruise…………………………….. 41
Figure 9 An Example of Filling in the AHP Score Column ………………………………………...52
Figure 10 Strategic Alliance Framework ……………………………………………………………56
Figure 11 Seaport Performance Framework ………………………………………………………...58
Figure 12 Research Process ………………………………………………………………………….67
Figure 13 The Technical Architecture of Digitalizing Seaport System………….....………………..68
Figure 14 The Architecture of Existing Information System………………………………………..70
Figure 15 The Architecture of IOT Technology Platform…………………………………………...72
Figure 16 Application Marine Highway Tech on Play Store………………………………………...75
Figure 17 New Pattern of Development of Seaport Logistics Systems……………………………...77

List of Tables

Table 1 Critical problem and supporting variables for customer requirements data.……………..…14
Table 2 Respondent data for questionnaire distribution AHP-QFD.……….………………….…….15
Table 3 Output accumulated score on the first variable of logistics costs………………………...…22
Table 4 Output normalize test on the first variable of logistics cost.…………………………...……23
Table 5 Output consistency test on the first variable of logistics costs………………………………23
Table 6 Output accumulated score on the first variable of Dwelling time…………………………...23
Table 7 Output normalize test on the first variable of Dwelling time ……………………………….24
Table 8 Output consistency test on the first variable of Dwelling time……………………………...24
Table 9 Output accumulated score on the first variable of Distribution Channels…….......………...24
Table 10 Output normalize test on the first variable of Distribution Channels ……………………..25
Table 11 Output consistency test on the first variable of Distribution Channels ……………………25
Table 12 Output accumulated score on the first variable of Operational costs of Port ……………...26
Table 13 Output normalize test on the first variable of Operational costs of Port …………………..26
Table 14 Output consistency test on the first variable of Operational costs of Port ………………...27
Table 15 Performance Standards of port operation ………………………………………………….28
Table 16 First HOQ Linking customer requirements and standards performance of port…………...30
Table 17 Second HOQ Linking standard performance of port and resilience measures…………….30
Table 18 Resilience measures of marine port………………………………………………………..31
Table 19 Analysis of developing a seaport logistics resilience system………………………………33
Table 20 Percentage of total domestic commodity loads in Indonesia′s 5 main ports 2015-2017…..38
Table 21 Seaport competitiveness……………………………………………………………………48
Table 22 Respondent data for questionnaire distribution AHP ……………………………………...50
Table 23 Tabulation of data on the assessment of seaport resilience criteria by all respondents……53
Table 24 Normalization test of port resilience criteria data …………………………………………54
Table 25 Consistency test of port resilience criteria data ……………………………………………55
Table 26 Tabulation of data on the assessment of seaport competitiveness criteria ………………...56
Table 27 Normalization test of port competitiveness criteria data …………………………………..57
Table 28 Consistency test of port competitiveness criteria data …………………………………….57
Table 29 Respondent data for questionnaire distribution IOT Framework ………………………….62
Table 30 Comparison of Maritime Transportation Industry Conditions …………………………….65
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指導教授 曾富祥 審核日期 2019-12-4
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