摘要(英) |
The sustained development of China′s economy has raised the huge demand for refined oil. With the comprehensive release of foreign enterprises in the refined oil market, foreign oil companies have poured into the Chinese market, breaking the pattern of the two major giants of PetroChina and Sinopec. As a result, the competition in the internal part of the oil product market has become more and more intense, the overall situation is unreasonable, after the implementation of the store, too much in the sale, the low degree of information and other issues are prominent. If you want to still have a place in such a fierce environment, you must concentrate on building logistics system, improve the level of logistics management, and improve the ability of market competition. This is also an important way for Sinopec to improve its ability to compete. Therefore, it has important theoretical theory and practical meaning to build and perfect petrochemical supply and response logistics system, and the important research field and hot point in petrochemical supply and response logistics management are the problem of product oil logistics transportation, logistics store and distribution. This paper is based on this background to expand the study..
Based on the analysis of the present situation and existing problems of Sinopec product oil supply chain logistics system, combined with supply chain, logistics system theory, logistics management theory, product oil inventory, distribution theory and information management theory, this paper discusses the necessity of Sinopec constructing modern product oil supply chain logistics system, and analyzes the connotation, characteristics and logistics elements of product oil supply chain logistics system. The construction principle of product oil supply chain logistics system is worked out. by establishing the modern logistics concept, the transportation system, inventory system, distribution system and information system of product oil supply chain logistics are constructed respectively. Finally, taking Zhanjiang Branch of Sinopec as an example, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the logistics distribution system of Sinopec.
Firstly, the dissertation expounds the research motivation and background, the research problems and the purpose of this paper, introduces the main research contents and the main research methods used in this paper, and puts forward the research framework of Sinopec product oil supply chain logistics system.
Secondly, through the literature review, starting from the theoretical basis of the product oil supply chain logistics system, this paper summarizes the supply chain, supply chain management, logistics system theory, logistics management theory, inventory and distribution theory and information management theory, and discusses the application and reference of each theory in the product oil supply chain logistics.
Thirdly, the necessity of constructing product oil supply chain logistics system is analyzed, the connotation of product oil supply chain logistics system is put forward, and the characteristics of Sinopec product oil supply chain logistics system are summarized, which are systematic, virtual, cooperative, dynamic, information and green, and the construction principles of product oil supply chain logistics system are worked out. Finally, it is pointed out that the research of logistics system of product oil supply chain should include the construction of transportation subsystem, warehousing subsystem, distribution subsystem and information subsystem.
Fourthly, the dissertation introduces main means of transportation and their own characteristics, analyzes how to choose transportation ways at different situations, constructs oil logistics system through mathematical modeling, optimizes the transportation route according the shortest path network model.
Fifthly, the dissertation analyzes the principles and decision making process of selecting oil depot, introduces some methods about how to select oil depot. According to analyze the main problem and the management strategy of oil depot, the dissertation brings forward the oil inventory model, and puts forward the optimization program and quantitative evaluation of the oil inventory management.
Sixthly, the dissertation summarizes the connotation and characteristics of logistics distribution in Sinopec product supply chain, analyzes the status of oil distribution, bring forward the existing problem in China′s oil distribution system. By analyzing the types, forms and channels of the oil distribution, the dissertation puts forward some models of oil distribution and their applying conditions, finally optimizes the oil products distribution business processes.
Seventhly, the dissertation constructs the information system of Sinopec product oil supply chain logistics, analyzes the practical significance and necessity of building product oil supply chain logistics information system, then puts forward some tactics on how to optimize the system.
Finally, this paper summarizes and draws the conclusion that through the establishment and optimization of the four dimensions of the product oil supply chain logistics system, the cost and logistics cost of Sinopec refined oil supply chain logistics can be reduced, and the efficiency of the whole petrochemical supply chain can be improved. at the end of this paper, some suggestions for the future research of this paper are put forward. |
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