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姓名 張靜思(Ching-Ssu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 J. M. W. Turner(1775-1851)身後首檔回顧大展:1899年倫敦城區市政廳藝廊(Guildhall Art Gallery)特展的意義與影響
(The First Retrospective Exhibition of J. M. W. Turner: The Significance and Influence of the Special Exhibition at Guildhall Art Gallery in 1899)
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★ 收藏家的自我形象塑造:嘉德納夫人與其同代繪畫收藏★ 從「被遺忘」到「典範」之形塑─ 維梅爾藝術史地位變遷探討
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摘要(中) 1899年4月由倫敦城區市政廳藝廊舉辦的「Turner 油畫與水彩借展」,為知名英國風景畫家J. M. W. Turner(1775-1851)身後首檔大型回顧展。為期3個月的特展展出38件Turner油畫、86件水彩、44件《學習之書》系列版畫,以及35件與Turner同時期畫家的油畫作品,因此此展也可說是Turner逝世後第一檔展件媒材多元且為數眾多的特展。本文旨在探討1899年特展於Turner展覽史上的意義,分析特展如何利用文字論述以及展品形塑藝術家形象,進一步深究1899年特展在20世紀Turner展覽的影響。

摘要(英) In April 1899, the exhibition, “Loan Collection of Pictures and Drawings by J. M. W. Turner, R. A., and of a Selection of Pictures by Some of his Contemporaries, ” was held in the Guildhall Art Gallery founded by City of London Corporation. It was the biggest posthumous retrospective of the famous British landscape painter J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851) in the 19th century. The special exhibition featured 38 Turner’s oil paintings, 86 watercolours, 44 prints of Liber Studiorum, and 35 oil paintings by Turner′s contemporaries. That is to say, this exhibition could also be regarded as the first exhibition in which multiple media and numerous pieces were brought together since Turner′s death. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the significance of the 1899 exhibition in the history of Turner exhibition, to analyse how the artist’s image was shaped by textual discourses and exhibits, and to examine the influence of the 1899 exhibition in later Turner exhibitions in the 20th century.

The first chapter of this thesis reviews of the history of Turner exhibition between 1790 and 1899, and traces the birth of the 1899 exhibition. The second chapter explores how the exhibition narrated the life of Turner and arranged the exhibits to shape the artist’s image. The third chapter focuses on public acceptance and follow-up reverberation of the 1899 exhibition by examining the art reviews, newspaper reports, and biographies. Finally, I will explore whether the narrative of the 1899 exhibition still have influence on later Turner exhibitions in the 20th century by examining the display of Turner bequest and the two large scale Turner memorial exhibitions of 1951 and 1974.
關鍵字(中) ★ J. M. W. Turner
★ 市政廳藝廊
★ 1899年特展
★ 展覽史
★ 展覽研究
★ 藝術家形象
關鍵字(英) ★ J. M. W. Turner
★ Guildhall Art Gallery
★ Special Exhibition of Turner
★ History of Exhibitions
★ Exhibition Studies
論文目次 目次
第一章 Turner生前展覽與身後作品的流轉及展示……………………..9
第一節、 Turner在世展覽與Turner遺贈………………………………….....9
第二節、 19世紀下半葉Turner展覽與1899年市政廳藝廊特展....…18
一、 Turner身後展覽概況………………………………………………...18
二、 Ruskin的風格分期…………...……………………………………...22
三、 市政廳藝廊與1899年特展緣起………….……………………….24
第二章 1899年特展的藝術家形象塑造……………………………………29
第一節、 出版文字中的Turner形象………………………...………………..29
第二節、 特展的空間規劃與選件………….…………………………..........40
第三章 1899年特展的迴響與後續Turner作品展示的發展………...50
第一節、 特展的接受與評價………….………………………………............50
第二節、 公立美術館的Turner作品展示與展覽.………………………….58
參考文獻 參考資料
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1. The British Newspaper Archive:https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/
2. Royal Academy of Art:https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/
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21. Sothebys:http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2017/old-masters-evening-sale-l17033/lot.21.html
指導教授 謝佳娟(Chia-Chuan Hsieh) 審核日期 2019-11-28
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