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姓名 李栢松(Bo-Song Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 改善下鏈方向CDMA架構之LMDS網路的功率控制之研究
(Study of Modified Power Control for Downlink CDMA-Based LMDS Networks)
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摘要(中) 在各項微波傳輸技術中,LMDS可以說是最受到注目的,因為它可以提供雙向的語音、影像及數據傳輸的寬頻整合服務。LMDS能夠滿足各類型的用戶分佈與應用,從住家到商業用途均能提供服務,因此更具有彈性及擴充性。台灣在大前年(2000)三月十九日發放固網執照,即使有線寬頻傳輸應是其競爭的主軸,然而仍有業者藉助固定無線傳輸技術的應用,以提高其競爭力。由此可窺知LMDS的發展潛力。
摘要(英) LMDS is the most obtrusive among mini-meter wave propagation techniques. Because it can provide wideband integrated services including two-way voice, video, and data transmission. The asymmetry between downstream and upstream is quite consistent with the normal data flow, particularly for residential applications. Of course the spectrum can also be used to provide symmetric traffic that would typically be required for business applications.
In chapter 2, we use cells planning, which suffers less inter-cell interference in comparison with the typical cell planning. Chapter 4 analyzes the technique of CDMA with power control scheme can reduce inter-cell interference effectively in clear air. Besides, high rainfall attenuation is a significant challenges associated with deploying systems at Ka band. Finally, chapter 5 gives the conclusions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微波傳輸技術 關鍵字(英) ★ LMDS
論文目次 Contents 1
List of Figures 2
List of Tables 4
Chapter 1 5
Introduction 5
1-1. Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) 5
1-1-1. Introduction of LMDS 5
1-1-2. Advantages of Fixed Wireless Access 6
1-1-3. FCC Band Plan for LMDS 8
1-2. Motivation 9
1-2-1. Motivation 9
1-2-2. Why LMDS 10
Chapter 2 12
Background of LMDS 12
2-1. Feature of Propagation Channel 12
2-1-1. Propagation in Free Space 12
2-1-2. Propagation Loss 13
2-2. Layout of Cellular Configuration 14
2-2-1. System Deployment Trade-offs 14
2-2-2. Frequency Reuse 14
2-2-3. Alternating Polarizations 16
2-2-4. Cell Planning 16
2-2-5. Cell Planning Using Hexagonal Cell Architecture 20
2-3. Link Budget Calculation 22
Chapter 3 24
Multiple Access Techniques in LMDS 24
3-1. TDMA-Based Networks 24
3-2. CDMA-Based Networks 27
Chapter 4 31
Power Control 31
4-1. Typical Power Control 31
4-2. Proposed Power Control 33
4-3. Effects of rain rate 40
4-4. Discussions 52
Chapter 5 53
Conclusions 53
References 54
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指導教授 蔡木金(Mu-King Tsay) 審核日期 2006-7-19
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