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姓名 劉人鳴(Jen-Ming Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 法律與政府研究所
論文名稱 變更子女姓氏與子女利益之研究─以台灣地方法院裁定為探討
(A Study of Changing the Children′s Surname and the Children′s Interests—— Rulings of the Taiwan District Courts)
★ 我國女性東南亞與大陸配偶之勞動力運用影響研究★ 我國法學教育之現況與改進之道–以法律系師 生之觀點
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摘要(中) 於二十世紀開始,福利國家逐漸受到「國家干涉主義」(state paternalism)的影響,認為國家不應讓家庭完全的享有自治。在「國家干涉主義」脈絡下,聯合國、歐美各國開始將「兒童最佳利益」作為親子法所應遵循的基本原則。台灣亦在1996年9月25日修正民法親屬編時改採以「子女為本」的親子法。於現行民法親屬編中,不乏有以「最佳利益」做為判斷標準者,本文選擇以「變更子女姓氏」之「子女利益」做為研究,原因在於「姓名」權利屬於個人人格權的一種,且姓名的存在,是國家承認個人存在的第一步,予其享有權利、義務的第一步。
摘要(英) Abstract

Starting from the twentieth century, the welfare states were gradually influenced by the concept of ”state paternalism”, which believed the state should not allow families to be totally autonomous. In the context of “state paternalism ”, the United Nations, European and American countries have begun to adopt ”the best interests of children ” as the basic principle of Civil Code. Taiwan also adopted a ”children base” Civil Code when amending the Family Law of the Civil Code on September 25, 1996. Inside the current Family Law of the Civil Code, there are many articles adopt the ”Children’s best interests” as the criterion. This study chose to examine the principles of ”children′s interests” in changing the child′s surname, because the right of a surname is a type of personality rights. The existence of a surname is the first step for a country to recognize an individual′s existence and to grant him/ her rights and obligations.
This study examined the influences of the amendments of Paragraph 1 of Article 1059 of Civil Code in 2007 to allow parents to agree on the child’s surname and in 2010, to allow parents to draw a surname, if the child’s surname was not agreed upon, on the national statistics of the newborn’s surnames. Our results showed that the majority of the newborns’ surnames were still agreed upon according to their father′s last names, but the proportions of the newborns using father′s surnames have declined since 2012. Although the mother′s surname agreed upon by both parents only accounted for a minority, but the proportions of using mother′s surname have increased since 2012. The proportions of drawing a surname for the newborns resulted more from mother′s surnames and fewer from the father′s surnames.
In addition, this study examined the influences of the amendments of Paragraph 2 and 3 of Article 1059, Paragraph 1 of Article 1059-1, and Paragraph 2 of Article 1078 of Civil Code in 2010 on the proportions of children’s surnames from fathers’ or mothers’ side. This study found that the majority of children born in wedlock changed to their mother′s surnames later in life, and the number of adoptive children changed to adoptive father′s more than to adopted mother′s surnames.
Finally, this study compared the evaluations of “the interests of children” among four different types of people appeared in the court documents, which resulted in the following seven conclusions. The first conclusion is by comparing the key reasons for granting and dismissing a case in the best interests of the child: overall, the key reason in a granting case favored positive or neutral reasons; the key reason in a dismissing case tended to be negative or neutral reasons.
The second conclusion is: social workers (or family matter investigation officers) tended to use two criteria as “the interests of children”, i.e., the meaning of changing the surname for children is to establish a new life ; children can get along with the petitioner’s family more harmoniously and closely.
The third conclusion is: judges assisted by social workers (or family matter investigation officers) tended to evaluate “the interests of children” more as the following five criteria, i.e., the minor child has not yet understood the meaning of the surname, the minor child thinks that the change of the surname has no effect on him/her, the child is influenced by the grandparents and the mother, the mother no longer want to remind of the child’s father from the father′s surname, and the child can receive financial support.
The fourth conclusion is: judges who were not assisted by a social worker (or a family matter investigation officer) considered “the interests of children” predominantly on one criterion, i.e., the minors’ willingness to change their last names, to be the top of four evaluators.
The fifth conclusion is: the petitioner’s considerations of “the interests of children” were many, i.e., the child′s perception that changing the meaning of the surname is a sense of identity and belonging to the petitioner ′s family, the child can explain to the peer, the child is expected by other family members, the child is influenced by others (peers, teachers), the father or mother thought it was unnecessary to explain the surname to others, the non- petitioner ′s side has rarely cared about the grown up children for a long time, the change of a minor’s surname has no effect on the non- petitioner ′s side (for there are other children with the same surname), and the other party is wanted by law, and has complicated circles and friends.
The sixth conclusion is: the petitioner and the legal professionals were different in their evaluations of “the interests of children”, i.e., the legal professionals emphasized more on the influence of changing the surname on the petitioner’s family, while the petitioner emphasized the safety issues of the family.
The seventh conclusion is: whether the reasons for the dismissed cases of changed to the mother′s surname or the approval cases of changed to the father′s surname, there seemed no gender inequality reasons written in the court documents.
關鍵字(中) ★ 姓氏
★ 子女利益
關鍵字(英) ★ surname
★ interests of child
論文目次 目錄
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、研究目的 3
第貳章、文獻回顧 5
第一節、傳宗接代與子女姓氏 5
一、1930年立法時,社會上如何看待傳宗接代與子女姓氏 5
二、1930年12月3日以立法影響社會觀念 6
第二節、男女平等 10
一、1985年修法時的社會脈絡、修法內容 10
二、2007年修法時的社會脈絡與修法內容 14
第三節、子女最佳利益與子女姓氏 24
一、子女本位概念的萌芽 24
二、社會上對於子女最佳利益的看法 27
三、為子女本位之修法 27
第四節、文獻回顧統整 37
第參章、研究方法 50
第一節、研究程序 50
第二節、資料來源與研究變項 51
第三節、特別情事欲變更未成年子女姓氏裁定研究架構 57
第肆章、研究結果 60
第一節、子女出生姓氏雙方約定或抽籤 60
一、子女出生姓氏雙方約定 60
二、抽籤決定 64
第二節、變更為父姓或母姓 66
一、婚生子女與非婚生子女變更為父姓或母姓 67
二、養子女變更為養父姓或養母姓 68
第三節、聲請法院裁定變更姓氏之子女利益 70
一、聲請人之聲請比例與欲變更之姓氏 70
二、子女利益之架構與內容分析結果 72
三、准予變更姓氏案件之四類評估者分析 81
四、駁回變更姓氏案件之四類評估者分析 89
五、准予和駁回案件於子女最佳利益上關鍵理由 96
六、變更為母姓遭駁回案件、變更父姓為准予案件理由 102
第伍章、結論與討論 117
第一節、研究問題之結論與討論 118
一、民法第1059條第1項於2007年修法開放讓父母自行約定子女出生從姓,2010年子女出生從姓協議不成或未約定以抽籤決定明文,是否影響從父姓或從母姓或選擇抽籤決定的比例。 118
二、民法第1059條第2、3項、民法第1059-1條第1項、第1078條第2項變更從父姓、母姓,是否影響從父姓或從母姓的比例。 121
三、比較四評估者如何考量「為子女利益」:分別為社工(或家調官)、有社工(或家調官)評估之法官、未有社工(或家調官)評估之法官與聲請人之不同。 121
第二節、研究限制與未來研究 130
一、研究限制 130
二、未來研究 131
參考文獻 132
參考文獻 一、專書
1. Asquith, Stewart & Malcolm Hill (Eds.)(1992)Justice for Children.UK:University of Glasgow in collaboration with UNICEF and Save the Children Fund .

4.曾映慈,從父姓?從母姓?─女性單親家庭成員的姓氏政治,世新大學性別研究所碩士學位論文, 2011年6月。

1.Lin, Yun-Hsien Diana(2013). “In the Name of the Father? The Law and Social Norms of Children′s Surnames in Taiwan ,” in Family and Gender in East Asia, pp.75-94,Siumi Maria Tam, Wai Ching Angela Wong, and Danning Wang (eds.)Routledge.
18.雷文玫,以「子女最佳利益」之名:離婚後父母對未成年子女權利義務行使 與負擔之研究,台大法學論叢,1999,第28卷第3期,第245-309頁。
指導教授 王燦槐(Chang-Hwai Wang) 審核日期 2020-1-16
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