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姓名 羅盛宏(Sheng-Hung Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 私立護理專科學校學生選校因素分析
(Analysis of School Choice Factors Influencing Private Nursing Junior College Freshmen)
★ 探討國內田徑競賽資訊系統-以103年全國大專田徑公開賽資訊系統為例★ 生物晶片之基因微陣列影像分析之研究
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摘要(中) 因應少子化問題,根據內政部統計處人口統計數據顯示台灣每年的新生兒人口數從1991年 321,932人降至西元2018年 181,601 人,整整少了140,331人,減少幅度達 43.59%。台灣少子化現象是值得重視的議題,少子化不單單只是影響中小學而已,也逐年帶給大專校院壓力。根據教育部2018年統計資料顯示我國現有大專校院數多達一百六十所以上,大專校院招生總人數,已超過全台灣所有的高中職畢業生總人數,因而產生招生不足問題發生,招生不足會對這些院所科系及學校產生營運上的困難。
摘要(英) The Statistics Enquiry Network Report by the Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan focused on the country’s low birthrate; the number of newborns declined from 321,932 in 1991 to 181,601 in 2018, a decrease of 140,331 (43.59%). This declining birthrate has affected elementary and junior high schools and gradually placed pressure on colleges and universities. According to the Ministry of Education, the number of tertiary institutions in Taiwan exceeded 160 in 2018, and the number of available admission positions at colleges and universities exceeds the number of senior high school graduates. Thus, numerous junior college departments have begun to experience insufficient enrollment. Low enrollment affects the performance of faculties at such schools.
With reference to the relevant literature and conduct institutional research, this study administered two questionnaires to obtain feedback from freshmen to examine their school or department choice and create a model of enrollment marketing. The first questionnaire was administered in 2017. We used the exploratory factor analysis to identify hidden constructs among variables. The current study focused on eight constructs: teaching characteristics, teaching facilities, employment counseling, living functions, extracurricular activities, media advertising, social support, and social evaluation. After eliminating irrelevant factor items, we conducted another questionnaire in 2018. Through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, we examined potential variables to identify those that could be used by school administrators in formulating an enrollment strategy. According to the results of the model, five hypotheses confirmed our theoretical assumptions. Our results present surprising findings; the extracurricular activity construct exerted a not support positive influence on the formation of teaching characteristics. According to our hypothesis, targeting these eight constructs for enrollment marking should increase the number of freshmen enrollment. Thus, our results provide private school operators with a solid foundation for developing a long-term student enrollment strategy.
Through our questionnaire survey and analysis, we identified several key factors of the application of information management. Many student and teaching data can be accumulated through a school affairs database established for related research. After years of accumulating data, the school research and development unit can target for improving school business development, such as the distribution of student sources, quality of student performance, student participation in competitions, or psychological counseling records, etc. Such data can be cross-checked to analyze the pros and cons of the school’s operation to be used as a basis for decision-making.
關鍵字(中) ★ 探索性因素分析
★ 結構方程模型
★ 私立專科學校
★ 招生
★ 市場行銷
★ 校務研究
★ 校務資料庫建置
關鍵字(英) ★ Exploratory factor analysis
★ Structural equation modeling
★ Private junior college
★ Enrollment
★ Marketing
★ Institutional research
★ Construction of school affairs database
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 2
1.2 Research Background and Purposes 4
1.3 Scope 6
Chapter 2. Theoretical Background and Hypothesis Development 8
2.1 Fertility Decline 8
2.2 Willingness to Pursue Higher Education 13
2.3 Teaching Characteristics 15
2.3.1 Teaching Facilities 19
2.3.2 Employment Counseling 26
2.3.3 Living Functions 35
2.3.4 Extracurricular Activities 37
2.4 Media Advertising 40
2.4.1 Marketing 42
2.4.2 Implications for School Marketing 47
2.4.3 Advertising and Promotion 55
2.5 Social Support 55
2.6 Social Evaluation 62
Chapter 3. Research Methodology 64
3.1 Research Framework 64
3.2 Research Hypotheses 65
3.3 Data Collection Method 66
3.4 Questionnaire Design 73
3.5 Data Analysis Method 75
Chapter 4. Data Analysis 78
4.1 Sample Data Structure and Descriptive Analysis 78
4.2 Reliability and Validity Testing 81
4.3 Model Analysis 89
4.4 Structural Model Analysis and Hypothesis Testing 94
4.5 Overall Correlation Measure 97
Chapter 5. Discussion and Implications 98
5.1 Research Findings and Limitations 98
5.2 Recommendations for Future Research Directions 100
5.3 Practical Implications 101
5.4 Conclusion 106
References 107
Appendix A: The Questionnaire 111

List of Figures
Figure 1. Reasons for Taiwan’s Decline in Fertility. 10
Figure 2. Taiwan-Fukien Area Birth Population Trend Line. 12
Figure 3. Marketing Transaction Structure. 44
Figure 4. Research Steps. 65
Figure 5. Integration of Structural Model with Hypotheses. 65
Figure 6. Scree Plot. 83
Figure 7. Correlative Model of Paths. 94
Figure 8. Results for Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. 96

List of Tables
Table 1. Number of Births in the Taiwan–Fukien Area. 11
Table 2. Summary of Declarations Regarding Campus Sustainability. 20
Table 3. Advantages of the Delphi Method. 67
Table 4. Limitations of the Delphi Method. 69
Table 5. Delphi Method Expert Panelist Details. 72
Table 6. Background Descriptive Statistics—Gender. 79
Table 7. Background Descriptive Statistics—School System. 79
Table 8. Background Descriptive Statistics—Academic Departments. 79
Table 9. Background Descriptive Statistics—Location of Junior High School. 80
Table 10. Background Descriptive Statistics—Prioritization of School or Academic Department in Education Decision. 80
Table 11. Reliability According to Cronbach’s α Coefficient Analysis—Suggested Values. 82
Table 12. Results for Construct Naming. 83
Table 13. Results for Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin and Bartlett’s Test. 88
Table 14. Results for Model Fit— Scholars’ Suggested Values. 90
Table 15. Results for Measurement Model. 91
Table 16. Results for Correlation Matrix of Latent Variables and the Square Root of AVEs 93
Table 17. Results for Hypothesis Testing. 96
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