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姓名 林唯安(Wei-An Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
(Development of Overlaying Welding Method using Hot-wire Laser Welding Method)
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摘要(中) 本研究採用熱絲送給工藝搭配雷射堆銲,去探討在不同應用下的製程,找尋其製程最佳銲接條件,並觀察不同製程下的金相及檢討相對應的實驗結果。
研究結果顯示,不論是使用鐵基及鎳基FCW (Flux core wire) 含碳化鎢顆粒的複合材料,還是鋁材都可以完成相對於其他銲接工藝,以極低的熱輸入達到非常高效的結果。 但是依據材料特性不同,如鐵基FCW 含碳化矽,根據實驗結果鐵和碳化鎢在熱絲加熱過程中高溫下會產生強烈反應,以至於銲接過程不安定,造成銲條形狀不穩定,使得此製程無法應用於這個材料。
摘要(英) In this study discuss the process of hot-wire feeding system with laser cladding method to examine the processes for different applications, and to find the best welding parameters under their processes.
According to the different processes’ experiment results, observe the cross -section and its corresponding criterion of experimental results are reviewed also.
The research results show, which whether using Fe and Nickel matrix FCW composites containing tungsten carbide particles, or aluminum, it can achieve very efficient results with extremely low heat input compared to other welding processes. However, depending on the material characteristics, such as iron-based FCW containing silicon carbide, according to the experimental results, iron and tungsten carbide will have a strong reaction at high temperatures in the hot-wire system, so that the welding process is unstable, resulting in unstable electrode shape, making this process unusable for this material.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雷射銲接
★ 堆銲
★ 半導體雷射
★ 熱絲
★ 積層製造
★ 複合銲線
關鍵字(英) ★ Laser welding
★ Cladding
★ Diode laser
★ Hot-wire
★ AM
★ Flux cored wire
論文目次 中文摘要 . i
Abstract . ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of contents iv
List of figures . vii
List of tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . 1
1.1.1 Hard-facing cladding 3
1.1.2 High thermal conductivity cladding . 5
1.1.3 Aluminum cladding of addictive manufacturing 6
1.2 Experiments review . 7
1.3 Objective of experiment 9
Chapter 2 Materials and experiment method 10
2.1 Materials 10
2.1.1 Base metal and filler wire 10
2.1.2 Filler wire shape and chemical composition 11
2.2 Hot-wire laser method . 13
2.2.1 Hot-wire laser equipment 13
2.2.2 Experiment parameters . 15
2.3 CO2 gas arc welding condition 17
2.4 Evaluation 18
2.4.1 Bead appearance . 18
2.4.2 Dilution ratio 19
2.4.3 Calculation of WC ratio 19
2.4.4 Waste rate . 20
2.4.5 Observation of welding condition 21
2.5 Grinding test . 22
Chapter 3 Fe-matrix hard-facing cladding . 24
3.1 Parameters of fine bead 24
3.1.1 Wire current effect 24
3.1.2 Laser power effect . 27
3.1.3 Improvement of shielding nozzle 30
3.2 Different welding method and FCW 31
3.3 Multiple layers . 32
3.4 Hardness test 35
3.5 Grinding test . 37
3.5.1 Grinding test results . 37
3.5.2 Observation of wear surfaces 38
3.6 Summary 39
Chapter 4 High thermal conductivity cladding 40
4.1 Bead formation phenomenon . 40
4.1.1 Hot-wire Laser welding . 40
4.1.2 Laser welding 42
4.2 Cross-section observation 45
4.2.1 Remaining SiC on the bead . 45
4.2.2 Analysis of EDX results 45
4.3 Summary 47
Chapter 5 Al additive manufacturing . 48
5.1 Wire feeding position and welding direction 48
5.2 Influence of Al oxide film . 53
5.3 Layered condition 56
5.3.1 First pass condition . 56
5.3.2 Multiple layers condition 59
5.4 Summary 62
Chapter 6 Conclusion . 63
References 64
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指導教授 黃俊仁 山本元道(Jiun-Ren Hwang Motomichi Yamamoto) 審核日期 2020-3-11
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