博碩士論文 107322083 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳彥安(Yen-An Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 道路路面緊急搶修排程最佳化
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
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摘要(中) 當道路新建完成,維持其服務水準於最佳狀態,使民眾通行無阻兼安全無虞,為道路養護的重要宗旨。除了日常每日例行巡檢養護的災害預防,當遭遇天然災害或其他突發事件時,第一時間需即時應變進行緊急修補的道路搶修小組更是從中扮演重要的角色。他們需要在最短的時間內完成臨時修補,以防坑洞隨著時間與使用持續擴大,造成額外的損害,而後續才會再經由其他養護工程內容進行完整的道路鋪面。過去雖然已經有研究針對緊急搶修工作隊進行探討,但多半著重於道路阻斷限制與後端物資配送最佳化之探討,與道路路面搶修小組同時扮演著搶修工作隊與物料需求補給之角色特性不盡相同,故其模式難以運用在道路路面搶修排程問題。
摘要(英) When built a new road, maintaining its service level and make road users pass unimpeded is the most important purpose of road maintenance. In addition to the disaster prevention of daily routine inspection and maintenance, when encountering natural disasters or other emergencies, the work team that deal with emergency is also plays an important role. They need to complete temporary repairs in the shortest time to prevent the potholes from continuing to expand over time and use. Most of the emergency repair work schedule in the past were focus on the road blocking constraints and the optimization of logistical support, however, those properties are not similar with this case. In this case, the road emergency repair work team is playing the role of emergency repair team and logistical support at the same time, therefore, the model is difficult to apply to this case.
Hence, we employ network flow techniques, with a systemic optimization perspective and the objective of minimizing the total system cost, as well as the related operating constraints, to construct a deterministic road emergency repair scheduling model. Furthermore, this model is formulated as an integer multiple-commodity network flow problem which is characterized as NP-hard. In order to efficiently solve realistically large problems occurring
in practice, we use a problem decomposition technique a, coupled with the use of a mathematical programming solver CPLEX, to develop a heuristic algorithm. Then, the numerical tests are performed using the first maintenance office data associated with Taoyuan City , Taiwan. Referring to the actual case of the double typhoons Nisha and Begonia in 2017, three case study of different sizes were designed for evaluate the model and the solution algorithm in practice. At last, conclusions and suggestions will be given.
關鍵字(中) ★ 道路養護
★ 緊急搶修排程
★ 時空網路
★ 啟發解法
★ 整數網路流動
★ 最佳化
關鍵字(英) ★ road maintenance
★ road emergency repair scheduling
★ time-space network
★ heuristic
★ integer multiple-commodity network flow problem
★ optimization
論文目次 摘要 i
誌 謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的與範圍 2
1.3研究方法與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1災後工程緊急搶修作業排程 5
2.2道路養護 7
2.3車輛途程問題(vehicle routing problem,VRP) 8
2.4文獻評析 12
第三章 模式構建 13
3.1現況分析與問題描述 13
3.2模式架構 16
3.2.1模式基本假設 16
3.2.2時空網路圖 17
3.2.3符號說明 33
3.2.4數學定式 35
3.3模式驗證 40
3.4模式求解方法 48
3.4.1啟發式演算法架構 48
3.4.2啟發解應用 50
3.5小結 53
第四章 範例測試 54
4.1資料輸入 54
4.1.1儲存所與需求點相關資料 54
4.1.2運送及檢修相關資料 57
4.1.3成本相關資料 59
4.2模式發展 60
4.2.1問題規模 60
4.2.2電腦演算環境與設定 61
4.2.3模式輸入資料 62
4.2.4模式輸出資料 62
4.2.5演算法績效測試 63
4.3方案分析 63
4.4測試結果與分析 69
4.5敏感度分析 78
4.5.1罰金變動之敏感度分析 79
4.5.2超時額外成本變動之敏感度分析 81
4.5.3儲存所區位之敏感度分析 84
4.5.4物料需求量變動之敏感度分析 86
4.5.5維修時間變動之敏感度分析 91
4.6小結 96
第五章 結論與建議 97
5.1結論 97
5.2建議 98
5.3貢獻 99
參考文獻 100
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shang-Yao Yan) 審核日期 2020-7-20
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