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姓名 陳文研(Van-Nhiem Tran)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
(Improved TDR Deformation Monitoring by Integrating Centrifuge Physical Modeling)
★ 時域反射法於土壤含水量與導電度遲滯效應之影響因子探討★ TDR監測資訊平台之改善與 感測器觀測服務之建立
★ 用過核子燃料最終處置場緩衝材料之 熱-水耦合實驗及模擬★ 堰塞壩破壞歷程分析及時域反射法應用監測
★ 深地層最終處置場緩衝材料小型熱-水耦合實驗之分層含水量量測改善★ 應用時域反射法於地層下陷監測之改善研發
★ 深地層處置場緩衝材料小型熱-水-力耦合實驗精進與模擬比對★ 淺層崩塌物聯網系統與深層型時域反射邊坡監測技術之整合
★ Modification of TDR Penetrometer for Water Content Profile Monitoring★ 利用線上遊戲於國小一年級至三年級學童防災教育推廣效益之研究—以桃園防災教育館為例
★ 低放射性最終處置場混合型緩衝材料之工程特性及潛變試驗與模擬★ 用於滑坡監測的 PS- 和 SBAS-InSAR 處理的參數研究——以阿里山為例
★ 穿戴式偵測墜落及跌倒裝備於本國建築工地之研發測試★ 機器學習在水庫入流與濁度預測之應用-以石岡壩為例
★ 深度學習與資料擴增於山崩監測預測之可行性評估★ 利用光學與熱影像融合進行邊坡之長期穩定性監測評估
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摘要(中) 邊坡災害是在邊坡上土壤或岩石崩壞的現象。監測邊坡災害一直都是棘手的問題,尤其
測方法。儘管上述的方法可以提供邊坡大面積的監測範圍,但是在使用 GPS 時仍具有侷
限性,例如追求更高的精度,又或者取得目標地之滑坡平面的深度。另一方面,TDR 作
為地下邊坡監測預警系統,已經成功驗證在不同現地測試下的可行性。而 TDR 可涉及到
監測連續的剪切變形。有研究者在實驗室內進行剪切和壓痕實試,且對於 TDR 反射係數
與剪切位移進行了定量分析,但是 TDR 仍面臨著一些問題,由於上覆壓力對於反射係數
本研究提出將離心機逆斷層破壞模型與 TDR 結合來模擬纜線剪切變形的方法。為了符合
進行評估。然後在不同重力的離心機模型中,通過增加 N 倍的重力場,與 1/N 比例的實驗
軸電纜在 0.5mm 的極小剪切位移下,靈敏度有顯著地提高。第二,在離心機物理實驗中,
通過具有剪切帶和較大剪切位移的逆斷層破壞模型成生剪切平面,進而得到 TDR 波形與
切位移,對其進行進一步的定量分析。而在最後發表了 TDR 離心機模型建模之指南。
摘要(英) Landslide disaster is a result of the failure of the soil or rock slope. Landslide monitoring is the
most critical challenging issue especially in the mountain where is difficult for installation of the
monitoring system because of complex topography and geography. Landslide monitoring
techniques include not only satellite images analysis and Global position system (GPS) for the
land surface target, but also the underground methods such as inclinometer and Time Domain
Reflectometry (TDR). Despite providing the early warning with a continuous displacement of the
slope surface, GPS applied in landslide monitoring still exists a limitation on indicating higher
accuracy and localizing the shear plane in depth. On the other hand, TDR as a warning system in
landslide monitoring underground has been validated with different field studies in slope
monitoring. TDR involves continuously detecting shear surface and exactly identifying shear
deformity. Although previous studies of laboratory shear and indentation tests have quantified
shear displacement based on the TDR reflection coefficient, TDR suffers challenges for precise
quantification of shear displacement from the reflection coefficient influenced by several factors,
and it relatively insensitive due to artificial overburden pressure in the laboratory test.
To address the abovementioned problems, this study proposed TDR integrated with centrifuge
reverse fault modeling to simulate sliding at depth. To fit the centrifuge test scale, a flexible and
small diameter coaxial cable was first modified and evaluated with the simple direct shear test.
Then the reverse fault modeling was used to simulate the shear plane in the centrifuge modelling at the different earth gravity level. The prototype model can investigate through the 1/N scale
model by enhancing the N time level earth gravity field. As testing results, this study carries out
three main major parts. First, the laboratory direct shear testing showed the modified coaxial cable
has dramatic improvement in the sensitivity at very small-scale shear displacement at 0.5 mm.
Second, in the centrifuge physical model, the shear plane can be generated by reverse fault
modeling with shear bandwidth and large shear displacement, and the quantification of the
correlation between the TDR waveform and shear deformation was accordingly revealed. The
quantification was further analyzed based on two methods including the peak reflection and the
integration area with corresponding shear deformation. Finally, general guidelines for TDR
landslide modeling in centrifuge was suggested in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ Time domain reflectometry
★ shear deformation quantification
★ centrifuge modelling.
關鍵字(英) ★ Time domain reflectometry
★ shear deformation quantification
★ centrifuge modelling.
論文目次 Abstract I
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Motivation . 1
1.2. Study Objectives 2
1.3. Research Flow Chart 3
2. Literature Review 5
2.1. TDR Principle 5
2.1.1. TDR Reflection Coefficient and Impedance of the Transmission Line ......... 7
2.2. TDR Time Travel Analysis and TDR Accuracy Influence Factors .................... 11
2.2.1. Apparent Dielectric Constant Ka 11
2.2.2. TDR Resolution Factors 11
2.2.3. TDR Accuracy Influence Factors 14
2.3. TDR Applications 14
2.3.1. TDR Dielectric Type 14
2.3.2. Interface Type 15
2.3.3. Crimp Type 15
2.4. Quantification of Shear Displacement 18
2.5. Centrifuge Physical Modeling 23
3. TDR Coaxial Cable Sensitivity Tests, and TDR Signal Processing ..................... 30
3.1. Introduction Coaxial Cable 30
3.2. Coaxial Cable Sensitivity Testing 30
3.3. Signal Processing 62
3.3.1. TDR Signal and Signal Processing Method for Removing Noise of TDR
Signal 62
3.3.2. Low Pass Filter Signal Processing in TDR Signal 63
3.3.3. Wavelet Signal Processing in TDR Signal 66
3.3.4. Comparison between Low Pass Filter and Wavelet Filter in TDR Signal
Processing 72
4. Development of TDR Centrifuge Modelling 78
4.1. Testing Apparatus Physical Model 78
4.1.1. NCU Centrifuge Geotechnical Centrifuge Facilities.78
4.1.2. Aluminum Container 78
4.1.3. Traveling Pluviation Equipment 79
4.1.4. Transducers in Centrifuge 79
4.1.5. Data Acquisition System 84
4.2. Centrifuge Model Embankment Test 87
4.2.1. Model Design 87
4.2.2. Model Construction 87
4.2.3. Centrifuge Testing Procedure. 88
4.2.4. Testing Result and Discussion 92
4.3. Preliminary Test of Reverse Fault Model with 1g Gravity Condition ................ 98
4.3.1. Model Design 98
4.3.2. Model Construction 98
4.3.3. Process of Centrifuge Test 99
4.3.4. Testing Results 103
4.4. Reverse Fault Model with 40g Gravity Condition 109
4.4.1. Model Design 109
4.4.2. Model Construction 117
4.4.3. Process of Centrifuge Test 118
4.4.4. Testing Result and Discussion 118
4.5. Reverse Fault Model with 55 g Gravity Condition 133
4.5.1. Model Design 133
4.5.2. Model Construction .134
4.5.3. Process of Centrifuge Test 138
4.5.4. Testing Results and Discussion 138
4.6. Quantification Shear Displacement Correlated Reflection Coefficient ............ 152
4.6.1. Quantification of Direct Shear Test 155
4.6.2. Quantification of Centrifuge Model 159
4.6.3. Comparison Between Laboratory Direct Shear Test and 55g Centrifuge
Reverse Fault Test. 166
4.7. The Evaluation of TDR Sensitivity by Embedding Along with Inclinometer in
One Borehole 168
5. Conclusions and Suggestions 169
5.1. Conclusions 169
5.2. Suggestions 170
6. References 172
參考文獻 6. References

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指導教授 鐘志忠(Chi-Chung Chung) 審核日期 2020-7-31
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