博碩士論文 105352024 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪一中(HUNG,YI-CHUNG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 捷運工程施工品質與查核機制之研究 -捷運高架工程CF660區段標為例
(Study of Construction Quality and Inspection System of MRT A Case Study of MRT Elevated Engineering for Section CF660)
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摘要(中) 大眾捷運系統擔任著重要公共運輸的重責大任,由於捷運工程不論在規劃、設計、監造、施工、管理等方面較一般公共工程複雜、金額龐大、施工期程長,故臺北市政府捷運工程局在管理如此重要且複雜工程之時,落實行政院公共工程委員會推動之三級品管理制度,期能使工程品質更加有保障。
摘要(英) The Mass Rapid Transit system has a heavy responsibility in public transportation. The design, supervision, construction, management, and other aspects of the MRT project are more complicated, huge, and longer in construction than other general public projects.
When the Department of Rapid Transit Systems of Taipei City Government manages such an important and complex project, implemented the three-level product management system, promoted by the Public Works Committee of the Executive Yuan, which has more guaranteed engineering quality.
And the results of the inspections conducted by the national construction inspection team for each quarter since 2016 are provided for various agencies to refer to the common defects in public works.
Since the Public Works Committee of the Executive Yuan promoted the inspection mechanism in 2003, it has formulated relevant operation points and operation methods and listed the "Project Construction Inspection Quality Defects Table" for the inspection team.
This study further analyzes the results of national construction inspections, consider different department and different costs, the focus of the project will be different.
In-depth analysis of the inspection results using the method of Plato, according to the results of a detailed analysis of different projects, mastering the construction quality and the manufacturer′s quality management system in the construction process will grasp 76% of common defects patterns.
There are more steel structure projects in the MRT project than general public projects, after analyzing the common defects of the MRT project and the national public project, the construction quality of the steel structure has a significant difference, showing the particularity of the MRT project.
This research collected the quality requirements and inspection mechanism of the MRT′s steel structure project to give feedback to the relevant domestic public projects.
The MRT project introduces information management to the quality management system, the forms used in the construction process of the MRT project and defects tracking records are built into the daily use management system module, in order to simplify the paperwork in the construction process and leave a record.
The experience collected by the management system can provide a reference for other public works, making project construction and project quality more transparent, with better quality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 捷運工程
★ 查核機制
★ 施工品質
★ 公共工程
★ 鋼構工程
關鍵字(英) ★ MRT Project
★ Inspection Mechanism
★ Construction Quality
★ Public Project
★ Steel Structural Engineering
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究範圍 4
1.5 研究架構及流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 公共工程施工品質管理制度與ISO 9001品質管理系統 8
2.1.1 公共工程施工品質管理制度 8
2.1.2 ISO 9001品質管理系統 10
2.2 捷運工程品質管理 13
2.3 查核機制與品質管理 19
2.4 分析方法 26
2.5 小結 28
第三章 全國工程施工查核成果分析 29
3.1 全國施工查核小組查核常見缺失態樣統計分析 29
3.2 各工項常見缺失態樣 38
3.3 各工項常見缺失態樣原因分析 41
3.3.1 混凝土施工 41
3.3.2 工地管理(不含進度管理) 43
3.3.3 工程施工 45
3.3.4 鋼筋施工 55
3.3.5 品質管理制度-承攬廠商 56
3.3.6 品質管理制度-監造單位 62
3.4 小結 68
第四章 捷運工程施工查核缺失分析 70
4.1 捷運A標及B標工程簡介 71
4.2 捷運工程缺失態樣統計分析 73
4.2.1 捷運工程品質管理制度 76
4.2.2 捷運工程施工品質 79
4.3 捷運工程與全國查核工程常見缺失態樣綜合分析 82
4.3.1 捷運工程缺失態樣分析-品質管理制度 82
4.3.2 捷運工程缺失態樣分析-施工品質 83
4.3.3 捷運工程缺失態樣分析-施工品質-強度Ⅰ 85
4.3.4 捷運A標缺失態樣分析-安全衛生 87
4.4 捷運工程工程查驗重點項目 90
4.4.1 捷運工程鋼構施工 90
4.4.2 捷運工程安全衛生 92
4.5 小結 94
第五章 捷運工程品質管理作法 95
5.1 管理系統 95
5.2 鋼構工程品質管理重點 105
5.3 小結 112
第六章 結論與建議 113
6.1 結論 113
6.2 建議 115
參考文獻 116
參考文獻 1. 行政院公共工程委員會,109年,https://www.pcc.gov.tw/。
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指導教授 林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin) 審核日期 2020-6-29
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