博碩士論文 107426026 詳細資訊

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姓名 胡羽喬(Yu-Ciao Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 考量最大利潤之再生能源發電業最佳能源分配
(Maximizing Profit Distribution of Renewable Energy)
★ 以模擬退火演算法 進行化鍍製程無關聯平行機台之排程★ 以混合整數規劃 安插電鍍銅平行機台之緊急訂單
★ 以混合整數規劃進行非相關平行機台之批次製造排程★ 工業用電考量時間電價之太陽能發電系統最佳配置規劃
★ 應用深度學習優化塗佈機之預測性維護★ 應用資料探勘提升伺服器CPU熱流驗證效能
★ 半導體設備商因應歐盟碳邊境調整機制之供應商遴選模式★ 以螞蟻演算法最佳化具備時間窗考量之貨櫃電池運輸路徑
★ 以混合整數規劃優化移動式充電樁存放位置★ 快遞轉運中心以風光互補發電提升電動車隊用電之綠能佔比
★ 製藥業連續製程可行性之外部環境評估★ 以基因演算法優化無人機送餐路徑
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摘要(中) 因人類活動仰賴化石能源而排放大量溫室氣體,造成全球暖化逐年加劇,地球升溫造成氣候變遷,嚴重影響生態環境,同時也導致化石能源逐漸枯竭。在全球碳排放量統計中,能源產生的碳排放量為比例之中最高的,因此,若要減緩全球二氧化碳的排放量,首要任務為降低能源的碳排放量。因此再生能源成為了很好的替代能源,再生能源利用自然環境資源發電,資源會自然產生並循環不息,為用之不盡的能源,生產能源的過程也不會產生二氧化碳,因此受到各國的重視。
摘要(英) Because human activities depend on fossil fuels and emit large amounts of greenhouse gases, global warming has worsened. Global warming has caused climate change, which has seriously affected the ecological environment, and it has also caused the depletion of fossil energy. In the global carbon emissions statistics, the carbon emissions generated by energy are the highest proportion. Therefore, to reduce the global carbon emissions, it is most important to reduce the carbon emissions generated by energy. Renewable energy has become a good option for alternative energy. Renewable energy uses the natural resources of the environment to generate electricity. The process of producing energy will not emit carbon dioxide, so it has received international attention.
As global environmental awareness has increased, international companies have set targets for using renewable energy, and also require their suppliers to use renewable energy. In order to reduce the loss of electricity in transportation, international companies promote the purchase of green electricity locally. As the demand for green power gradually increases, the government is encouraged to more actively develop the renewable energy industry to meet the demand for green power by enterprises, and also formulate policies related to renewable energy. The Taiwanese government revises the "Renewable Energy Development Bill" to require large power users to use at least 10% of renewable energy. In recent years, the "Electricity Act" has been revised to promote the liberalization of the electricity industry, opening up the Renewable-Energy-Based Electric Power Producer and Renewable-Energy-Based Electricity Retailing Enterprise. Open renewable energy trading, direct supply and re-supply, so that all power users have the right to choose, hope to improve the efficiency of power supply services and promote the development of green energy industry through market competition.
Considering the increasing demand for green power, how to effectively allocate resources within the limited green power resources has become a crucial issue. This paper will take Taiwan Renewable-Energy-Based Electric Power Producer as an example to establish a mathematical programming model to solve the problem. The results show that the optimal amount of solar panels installed and the optimal distribution of power resources. Taking Taichung as the discussion area, the best solar panel installation area is 151,395 square meters, and the maximum profit is 5,704,549 NTD. This study also conducted a sensitivity analysis of the difference in solar radiation in different regions and different solar photovoltaic power generation costs. This study can provide a reference for the optimal amount of solar panels installed and resource allocation when Renewable-Energy-Based Electric Power Producer face different power needs in different regions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續發展
★ 再生能源
★ 電業自由化
★ 資源分配
關鍵字(英) ★ Sustainable Development
★ Renewable Energy
★ Electricity Liberalization
★ Resource Allocation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 研究問題 5
2.1 再生能源產業 5
2.2 綠色電力 7
2.3 研究問題 11
第三章 文獻探討 13
3.1 永續發展(Sustainable Development) 13
3.2 再生能源(Renewable Energy) 16
3.3 電業自由化(Electricity Liberalization) 19
3.4 資源分配(Resource Allocation) 22
第四章 研究方法 28
4.1 基本假設 28
4.2 符號定義 29
4.3 數學模型 30
第五章 電腦實驗 32
5.1 資料蒐集 32
5.2 情境分析 39
第六章 結論與建議 44
6.1 研究總結 44
6.2 後續工作 45
參考文獻 46
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王啓泰(Chi-Tai Wang) 審核日期 2020-7-14
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