博碩士論文 107324054 詳細資訊

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姓名 王鑫暐(Shin-Wei Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 原料藥與水楊酸衍生物於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度量測
(Solubility of Pharmaceutical Compounds and Derivatives of Salicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide)
★ 預測固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳添加共溶劑系統之溶解度★ 碳酸二乙酯與低碳醇類於常壓下之汽液相平衡
★ 探討Peng-Robinson+COSMOSAC狀態方程式中分散項與溫度之關係★ 探討分散項之溫度函數與體積參數之修正對PR+COSMOSAC於相平衡預測之影響
★ 預測有機物與二氧化碳雙成份系統之固液氣三相平衡★ 常壓下乙酸酯類之雙成份混合物汽液相平衡
★ 以第一原理計算鋰嵌入與擴散於具氧空缺之二氧化鈦結構★ 探討不同量子化學方法對PR+COSMOSAC狀態方程式應用於預測純物質及混合流體相行為之影響
★ 預測固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳中的溶解度★ 鋯金屬有機框架材料之碳氫氣體吸附與分離預測
★ 甲基水楊酸異構物於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度量測★ 以第一原理計算探討鋰於鈮摻雜二氧化鈦之嵌入與擴散路徑
★ 探討COSMO-SAC-dsp模型中分散項和組合項之效應★ 第一原理計算探討藍磷烯異質結構用於鋰離子電池負極材料之特性
★ 以第一原理計算探討鋰離子於鐵摻雜磷酸鋰鈷之塊材與表面附近之擴散路徑★ 利用分子結構快速估算藥物與染料分子於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度
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摘要(中) 本研究利用一套經可靠性驗證過之高壓相平衡半流動式裝置,搭配可見光光譜儀分析法,量測抗第二型糖尿病藥物、抗高血壓藥物與水楊酸衍生物於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度。所選擇之原料藥(active pharmaceutical ingredients, APIs)為格列齊特(gliclazide, GLZ)與卡托普利(captopril, CAP),其目標藥物屬於硫醯基尿素類衍生物和脯胺酸類衍生物,前者作用為促進胰臟β細胞分泌胰島素達到降低血糖的效果;後者利用阻斷轉化酶的作用使血管得到適當的擴張。5-甲基水楊酸(5-methylsalicylic acid, 5-MSA)則屬於水楊酸之衍生物,具有影響表面活性離子溶液的團聚行為,也可應用於自我修復凝膠材料的改質。量測溫度為308.2 K、318.2 K與328.2 K,每組固定溫度下,於90 bar ~ 185 bar測量6個壓力點,一共獲得54個實驗數據點。並且於每一實驗溫度與壓力下,至少重複量測三次以上溶解度數據,其變異係數大多小於6%,其飽和溶解度之取樣流速均控制在3 L/hr ~ 10 L/hr,所量測之格列齊特、卡托普利與5-甲基水楊酸的溶解度莫耳分率範圍分別落在10-7 ~ 10-6、10-6 ~ 10-5與10-5 ~ 10-4。除了以實驗量測固體溶解度數據外,本實驗溶解度數據也使用三種密度關聯之半經驗式進行數據迴歸,包括:以結合律(association law)為基礎的Chrastil model、由稀薄溶液理論(theory of dilute solutions)的Mendez-Santiago and Teja model及多參數的Belghait model進行迴歸計算,皆能得到合理的迴歸結果,其平均相對標準誤差(average absolute relative deviation, AARD)約為1.94% ~ 8.56%。本研究也利用Chrastil model和Mendez-Santiago and Teja model作為溶解度數據的自身一致性檢測,用以驗證實驗量測數據之可靠性。
摘要(英) In this study, a reliable high-pressure semi-flow apparatus was used to measure the solubility of antidiabetic drug, antihypertension drug and 5-methylsalicylic acid (5-MSA) in supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2). The active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) selected were gliclazide (GLZ) and captopril (CAP). The first target drug, GLZ, is a sulfonylurea derivative and acting as an antidiabetic drug. GLZ can promote the secretion of insulin from pancreatic β cells to reduce blood glucose. The second target drug, CAP, is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used for the treatment of hypertension. 5-MSA can affect the agglomeration behavior of surface active ionic liquid. Moreover, 5-MSA is also applied on material modification such as self-healing materials. The solubility of GLZ, CAP and 5-MSA in ScCO2 have been measured at 308.2 K, 318.2 K and 328.2 K and in the pressure range of 90 bar to 185 bar. The solubility data at a given temperature and pressure are repeatedly measured at least three times with different flow rates between 3 L/hr to 10 L/hr. The coefficient of variation of these repeated measurement is lower than 6%. It was found that the solubility of GLZ, CAP and 5-MSA are within the range of 10-7 to 10-6, 10-6 to 10-5 and 10-5 to 10-4, respectively. These solubility data also correlated by three semi-empirical models, including Chrastil model, Mendez-Santiago and Teja model (MST model) and Belghait model. The results of correlation with the average absolute relative deviation (AARD) are 1.94% ~ 8.56%. The self-consistency tests of the experimental data were confirmed through the Chrastil model and MST model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超臨界二氧化碳
★ 固體溶解度
★ 格列齊特
★ 卡托普利
★ 5-甲基水楊酸
關鍵字(英) ★ Supercritical carbon dioxide
★ Solid solute solubility
★ Gliclazide
★ Captopril
★ 5-Methylsalicylic acid
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 超臨界流體性質簡介 1
1-2 超臨界流體之應用 7
1-3 固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度重要性 8
1-4 實驗量測固體溶質於超臨界流體中之溶解度 10
1-5 抗糖尿病藥物與抗高血壓藥物之簡介 13
1-6 研究動機 18
第二章 固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度量測 20
2-1 實驗方法 20
2-1-1 實驗藥品 20
2-1-2 實驗裝置 24
2-2 實驗操作程序 28
2-2-1 半流動式裝置操作與流程 28
2-2-2 樣品成分分析與檢量線標準液配製 30
2-3 取樣流速對於固體溶質溶解度之影響 32
2-4 溶解度數據處理 35
2-5 溶解度數據迴歸 41
2-6 半經驗式模型 42
2-6-1 Chrastil model 42
2-6-2 Mendez-Santiago and Teja model 43
2-6-3 Belghait model 43
2-7 溶解度數據自身一致性測試 44
第三章 結果與討論 45
3-1 目標固體溶質之檢量線擬合 45
3-2 固體溶質之溶解度數據 49
3-3 固體溶質之半經驗式迴歸 64
3-4 固體溶質之自身一致性檢測 68
3-5 5-甲基水楊酸與甲基水楊酸異構物之溶解度比較 72
第四章 結論 74
參考文獻 75
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指導教授 謝介銘(Chieh-Ming Hsieh) 審核日期 2020-7-28
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