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姓名 劉天祺(Tien-Chi Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 18世紀台灣歷史海嘯研究:1781年加藤港暴漲暨1782年海嘯事件之還原與分析
(Historical Tsunamis of Taiwan in the Eighteenth Century:Reconstruction of the 1781 Jiateng Harbor Flooding and 1782 Tsunami Event)
★ 雙向流固耦合移動邊界法發展及其於山崩海嘯之研究★ 三維真實地形數值模擬之海嘯上溯研究
★ 發展風暴潮影響強度分析法以重建1845雲林口湖風暴朝事件★ 發展適用於印度洋之氣旋風暴潮預報模式
★ 2006年屏東外海地震引發海嘯的數值模擬探討★ 馬尼拉海溝地震引發海嘯的潛勢分析
★ 三維海嘯湧潮對近岸結構物之影響★ 海嘯逆推方法之研發及其於2006 年屏東地震之應用
★ 以三維賓漢流數值模式模擬海嘯沖刷坑之發展★ 以三維數值模擬探討海嘯湧潮與結構物之交互作用
★ 三維雙黏性流模式於高濃度泥沙流及泥沙底床沖刷之發展及應用★ 海岸樹林及消波結構物對海嘯能量消散之模擬
★ 重建台灣九棚海嘯石之古海嘯事件及孤立波與水下圓板交互作用之模擬★ 裙礁流場之數值分析與消能特性之探討
★ 風暴潮速算系統之建立及1845年雲林口湖事件之還原與研究★ 台灣海嘯速算系統建置暨1867年 基隆海嘯事件之還原與分析
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在分析18世紀發生於臺灣之兩次歷史海嘯,藉由耙梳歷史文獻蒐集線索,並以數值模式進行事件重建,最後評估臺灣西南部之潛在海嘯風險。兩次歷史海嘯事件分別為:《臺灣采訪冊》記載之西元1781年(乾隆四十六年四、五月間)台灣西南沿海與加藤港海水暴漲,與以外國文字記錄卻無確切時間之西元1782年海嘯。本論文亦審視同樣發生於1782年四、五月之臺灣風災中外文獻,以進行歷史文獻交叉比對。探討這兩起歷史海嘯事件,除須悉心整理和比對文獻記錄外,亦進行多種情境數值模式與分析。本研究使用影響強度分析法(Impact Intensity Analysis, IIA)及海嘯到時分析法(Tsunami Arrival-Time Analysis, TATA)協助還原歷史海嘯事件,定位海嘯源之可能所在區域,並以康乃爾大學開發之多重網格海嘯模式(Cornel Multi-grid Coupled of Tsunami Model, COMCOT)進行數值模擬,分析局部海底山崩與馬尼拉海溝地震活動所產生之海嘯及其影響。模擬結果顯示,1781年加藤港暴漲之海嘯源頭位於東港研究場址之西南偏南側。然而,經數值模擬暨歷史文獻記錄交互分析,1782年海嘯事件之存在應受質疑與進一步檢視,並不排除其為風暴潮事件之可能性。最後,本研究以影響強度分析法進行今日臺灣西南沿海地區之海嘯風險評估。結果顯示近源海嘯波可能於海嘯發生後三十分鐘內抵達西南沿海地區,故當地區居民的疏散時間十分有限。
摘要(英) This research aims to study two of the historical tsunamis occurred in Taiwan during the 18th century and to reconstruct the incidents, as well as to assess the tsunami hazard in coastal arears of the southwestern Taiwan. The 1781 Jiateng Harbor Flooding, recorded by the Chinese historical document, Taiwan Interview Catalogue, took place on the southwest coast of Taiwan. On the other hand, the 1782 Tsunami was documented in foreign languages, with uncertainties of the actual time. Reasoning these historical events requires not only carefully examining the literature records but also performing the scenarios that match the descriptions. The Impact Intensity Analysis (IIA) and the Tsunami Arrival-Time Analysis (TATA) method are employed to locate possible regions of tsunami sources in order to reproduce the events. Numerical simulations based on the Cornell Multi-Grid Coupled Tsunami Model (COMCOT) analyze the influence of different types of tsunami generated both by submarine landslides in the localized area and seismic activities of Manila trench. Numerical results indicate that the source of the 1781 Jiateng Harbor Flooding very possibly located at the South South-West side of Donggang. However, simulation results and historical records put the existence of 1782 Tsunami in doubt, and the possibility of storm surges could not be ruled out. Finally, IIA simulations are carried out to assess up-to-date tsunami hazard in coastal arears of the southwestern Taiwan. Results show that for a nearby origin, tsunami waves would arrive at the coastal region in less than 30 minutes, and local residents would have very limited time to evacuate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 歷史海嘯
★ 影響強度分析法
★ 1781年加藤港暴漲
★ 1782年海嘯事件
關鍵字(英) ★ Historical tsunami
★ Impact Intensity Analysis
★ 1781 Jiateng harbor flooding
★ 1782 Tsunami event
論文目次 中文摘要 I
1.1 Purpose of the Research 1
1.2 Literature Review 3
1.2.1 1781 Jiateng Harbor Flooding 3
1.2.2 1782 Tsunami Event 5
2.1 COMCOT 25
2.1.1 Governing Equations 26
2.1.2 Nested Grid Configuration 29
2.1.3 Moving Boundary Scheme 33
2.2 Impact Intensity Analysis 35
2.3 Tsunami Arrival-Time Analysis 36
3.1 Preparation of Historical Event Recnstruction 37
3.2 Impact Intensity Analysis 41
3.3 Tsunami Arrival-Time Analysis 47
4.1 Investigation of the 1781 Jiateng Harbor Flooding 53
4.2 Investigation of the 1782 Tsunami Event 61
4.2.1 Submarine Landslide 61
4.2.2 Seismic Activity 69 Deformation Front 72 Manila Trench Tsunami Scenario (Qiu et al., 2019) 82 Manila Trench Tsunami Scenario (Wu, 2012) 90 Henchun Fault Tsunami Scenario (Wu, 2012) 98
4.3 Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the Southwest Taiwan 105
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尹全海,” 中央政府賑濟臺灣文獻.清代卷”,2017。
指導教授 吳祚任(Tso-Ren Wu) 審核日期 2020-7-30
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