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姓名 吳靜融(Jing-Rong Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 Microhyla fissipes及其近親種在東亞及東南亞的地理親緣關係
(Biogeography of Microhyla fissipes and its related species in East and Southeast Asia)
★ 探討resveratrol和osajin對鼻咽癌之抗腫瘤作用及機制★ 臺灣及鄰近地區澤蛙的地理親源演化關係
★ 白藜蘆醇對鼻咽癌中基因的異常甲基化及細胞移動的影響★ 調控酵母菌MIG1基因表達的轉錄因子
★ 單一核甘酸差異來研究MIG1調控表現的機制★ 利用粒腺體全基因體DNA 序列瞭解 台灣小雨蛙與近親種的演化及親源關係
★ Influences of habitat adaptation and geological events on Asian Common Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) distribution pattern★ 東亞及東南亞地區貢德氏赤蛙之親緣地理關係研究
★ 利用粒腺體基因(16S rRNA & ND4) 和細胞核基因(7IβFIB & 3ITBP) 研究亞洲蝮蛇在印尼地區的地理親緣演化★ 面天樹蛙全粒線體基因組序列與其親緣關係
★ 爪哇特有種Microhyla achatina粒線基因體完整序列及其親緣遣傳演化★ 台灣東部澤蛙(Fejervarya limnocharis)完整粒線體基因組序列及其親緣演化之探討
★ 透過粒線體基因體探討盤古蟾蜍與中華蟾蜍在蟾蜍科之內的親緣關係
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摘要(中) 小雨蛙(Microhyla fissipes)由Boulenger(1884)所命名,其模式地點(type locality)在台灣的台南地區,常見於台灣、中國大陸和中南半島。此物種名開始時並未被廣泛接受,直到2005年Matsui等人研究證實了分布在東亞和東南亞的族群為Microhyla fissipes的有效性。由於近年Microhyla mukhlesuri的發表,其活動範圍和Microhyla fissipes重疊,並且兩物種親緣關係並未被深入研究。因此本研究使用從台灣採集69隻 Microhyla fissipes和NCBI上公開的核甘酸序列資料進行分析,利用12S、16S和Cytb核苷酸序列進行p-distance、Bayesian演算、Maximum Likelihood和分子時鐘分析。根據演化樹和p-distance結果,東亞及東南亞小雨蛙可分為四個群:台灣中國群、中越東泰群、南越群以及西泰群,並根據模式地點推論,台灣中國群為Microhyla fissipes,西泰群為Microhyla mukhlesuri,中越東泰群和南越群可能為隱蔽物種。此外,四個群共同祖先大約開始於24,600年前開始分化,此時期正好是最近一次的大冰河時期。
摘要(英) Microhyla fissipes is a species which can be easily found in Taiwan, China and Indo-China. Boulenger in 1884 reported Microhyla fissipes as a new species with type locality in Tainan, Taiwan, but not well be recognized until 2005. Besides,there was a new species named Microhyla mukhlesuri published in 2014 and its distribution was considered greatly overlapping with Microhyla fissipes’s. In addition, the phylogentic relationship of Microhyla fissipes and Microhyla mukhlesuri in East and Southeast Asia is imperative to be clarified. In this study, we used the DNA sequences of 12S,16S and Cytb acquired from 69 samples newly collected in Taiwan with published data on NCBI to investigate the phylogeoegaphy of Microhyla fissipes in East and Southeast Asia by p-distance ,the Bayesian inference ,Maximum Likelihood and Molecular clock estimates. Based on our results, we summarized that there were four groups in East and Southeast Asia, including Taiwan-China group, Mid-Vietnam-East-Thailand group, South Vietnam group,and West Thailand group. According to the species type locality, Taiwan- China group is Microhyla fissipes and West-Thailand group is Microhyla mukhlesuri. In addition, the group in South Vietnam and the group of Mid-Vietnamm-East-Thailand might be two cryptic species in Indo-China. The ancestors of these four groups started to diverse about 24,600 years ago during the latest glacial epoch period.
關鍵字(中) ★ 小雨蛙
★ 親緣地理
★ 族群遺傳
★ 粒腺體基因序列
關鍵字(英) ★ Microhyla fissipes
論文目次 中文摘要............................................................i
3-2 pairwise uncorrected p-distance............................10
4-1Microhyla fissipes族群.....................................13
4-2Microhyla mukhlesuri族群................................13-14
4-3隱蔽種(cryptic species)....................................14
4-5建議NCBI上Microhyla ornata的物種鑑定勘誤.................16
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指導教授 劉阜果(Fu-Guo Robert Liu) 審核日期 2020-8-5
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