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姓名 鄭光佑(Kuang-Yu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物物理研究所
(Deuterium NMR Study of the effect of 7- dehydrocholesterol on the POPE Membranes)
★ 用氘核磁共振儀研究含高濃度麥角脂醇的DPPC人造膜之分子交交互作用★ Fluorescence study of lipid membranes containing sterol
★ 含固醇的脂質雙層膜的形態及相行為的研究★ The effects of composition and thermal history on the properties of supported lipid bilayers
★ The effect of sterol on the POPE/DPPC membranes★ 麥角固醇對含膽固醇的脂雙層膜的影響
★ Deuterium NMR Study of the Effect of Stigmasterol on POPE Membranes★ 運用氘核磁共振儀研究POPC/cholesterol膜之物理性質
★ 模型細胞膜(含有相同碳鏈的PC/PE)存在或缺乏固醇類的物理性質★ 運用氘核磁共振研究DPPC/POPE/sterol人造細胞膜之物理性質
★ Phase Behavior and Molecular Interactions of Membranes Containing Phosphatidylcholines and Sterol: A Deuterium NMR Study★ The physical properties of phytosterol-containing lipid bilayers
★ An AFM Study on Supported Lipid Bilayers with and without Sterol★ β-谷固醇對POPE膜物理特性的影響
★ 固醇結構對PC膜物理特性的影響★ 人造細胞膜的相行為及脂質-固醇交互作用之研究
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摘要(中) 固醇在生物膜的組成與功能中扮演了重要的角色。在含有膽固醇的人造細胞膜研究中發現,將膽固醇加入脂質膜中後會形成sterol-rich以及sterol-poor的區塊。一般認為這些處於liquid-ordered態的sterol-rich區塊為細胞膜上的脂筏。在本論文中,我們研究7- dehydrocholesterol (7DHC)對於POPE-d31膜在物理性質方面的影響。本研究使用氘核磁共振 (2H NMR) 來測量由POPE-d31和7- dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) 所組成的人造細胞膜。將不同濃度的7DHC樣品在不同溫度下量測已取得核磁共振光譜。光譜的M1值呈現出7DHC使膠態POPE脂膜變得無序,並使液晶態的脂膜變得有序。透過NMR光譜取得之溫度對7DHC濃度的POPE-d31脂質膜相圖顯示出膠態-液晶態共存與液晶態-inverted hexagonal態兩種兩相共存的區域,其中液晶態同時被發現在兩種兩相共存區域內。隨著7DHC濃度增加,液晶態從無序轉變成有序。這證明了POPE脂膜在含有7DHC時存在liquid-ordered 態。然而,在此系統中兩種液態相並沒有被觀測到同時存在。另一方面,7DHC 促進liquid-ordered態在膠態POPE脂膜中的形成。最後,高濃度與低濃度的7DHC對液晶態相變至inverted hexagonal態的影響有明顯的差異。
摘要(英) Sterols play important roles in membrane organization and functions. Model membranes containing cholesterol reveal that the addition of cholesterol in lipid membranes promotes sterol-rich, liquid-ordered-phase domains. In this work, we investigate the effect of 7- dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) on the physical properties of 1-palmitoyl(d31)-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE-d31) membranes using deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance. 2H NMR spectra are taken as a function of temperature and 7DHC concentration. The spectral first moments show that 7DHC disorders the gel phase and order the liquid-crystalline phase of POPE membranes. The phase diagram, constructed from the NMR spectra exhibits gel-liquid crystalline and liquid crystalline-inverted hexagonal phase coexistence regions. One liquid crystalline phase is observed in between these two two-phase regions. The liquid crystalline phase evolves from the liquid-disordered phase to the liquid-ordered phase as the 7DHC concentration increases. This is the first demonstration that liquid-ordered phase exists in POPE membranes containing 7DHC. However, liquid-liquid phase coexistence is not observed in this system. On the other hand, 7DHC promotes the liquid-ordered phase in the gel-phase POPE membranes. Finally, the liquid crystalline-to-inverted
hexagonal phase transition exhibits dramatically different 7DHC concentration dependence at low and high concentrations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 7DHC
關鍵字(英) ★ 7DHC
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iv
List of Figures v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Structure of Cell Membrane 1
1.2 Phase Behavior 3
1.3 Model Membranes Containing POPE and Sterol 5
1.4 The Structures of POPE and Sterol 7
1.5 Inverted Hexagonal Phase 9
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods 11
2.1 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 11
2.1.1 The Principle of 2H NMR 11
2.1.2 The electric quadrupole interaction 13
2.1.3 Powder Spectrum 15
2.1.4 Characteristic Spectrum 17
2.2 Materials 18
2.2.1 Sample Preparation 19
2.2.2 2H NMR Measurement 20
2.2.3 First Moment 21
2.2.4 Depaked Spectra 23
Chapter 3 Results and Discussion 25
3.1 POPE-D31/7DHC Membranes 25
3.2 The Temperature-Composition Phase Diagram 39
Chapter 4 Conclusion 46
Reference 50
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指導教授 薛雅薇(Ya-Wei Hsueh) 審核日期 2020-7-7
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