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姓名 陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 應用TRIZ 和DEMATEL解決社會技術系統問題
(Applying TRIZ and DEMATEL to resolve the problem of socio-technical system)
★ 從生態共生觀點發展組織合作模式★ 影響產業垂直分工因素之探討
★ 發展台籍專業管家的人力派遣模式★ 影響軍事機關審計品質之關鍵性因素及其相對效率衡量
★ 台灣光碟片設備供應商競爭策略分析★ 國防科技研發機構組織向心力之研究
★ 衡量半導體零組件通路商之相對經營績效★ 衡量半導體晶圓代工廠商生產單位之營運績效
★ 商業銀行營運型態與組織調整對分行營運效率的影響★ 發展行動條碼為基礎的隨傳隨用視訊平台之應用
★ 飛機引擎定子零件維修之訂價調整方式★ 國際化、創新活動與公司績效:台灣上市公司董事會結構論析
★ 探討網際網路事件達成關鍵多數之影響因素★ 生態循環農業產銷策略個案研究
★ 探討以政策規範高耗能產業參與再生能源開發之綜效-以太陽光電發電系統為例★ 適地性服務(LBS)之顧客體驗整合性設計—以中華電信行動導遊為例
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摘要(中) 社會技術系統包含社會、技術、環境等子系統,當技術與環境改變的社會議題產生時,會遇到共同演化問題以及複雜矛盾問題,系統內的成員如利害關係人網絡會有利益衝突,因此需要一起協同解決。創新問題解決理論(TRIZ)具有系統化的解決方案思維模式,可以提供創新原則有效地解決結構性矛盾問題和共同演化議題。本研究試圖將創新問題解決理論(TRIZ)和決策實驗室法(DEMATEL)整合,為決策者提供一個具邏輯的解決程序,使更容易找到問題的關鍵準則和準則關聯性。決策實驗室法(DEMATEL)可用於確定準則/因素之間的影響程度。在本研究中,整合方法論用來解決台灣兩個社會議題,作為本研究的例證。首先,將TRIZ技術用於解決非核家園問題,推論非核家園創新原則的解決方案。此外,運用DEMATEL技術找出關鍵的創新原則和影響程度。最後,研究結果為解決新能源政策中的結構性矛盾提供關鍵對策。第二個案例是關於「早期大眾」市場中台灣推動行動支付的問題。透過整合方法來解決此議題,作為另一個案例,證明整合方法的有效性。第一個實例的結果表明,綠電交易市場機制的建立,電力行業法的修改以及制定高耗能產業再生能源比例的條例是台灣政府最重要的方向。在第二個案例中,強調中央和地方政府應建立行動支付市場的不同措施。這些結果表明,整合方法可以合理且有效地解決社會問題,並為相關組織提出改進或解決建議。
摘要(英) The socio-technical system includes subsystems such as society, technology, and environment. When social issues of technology and environment have been changed, they will encounter the co-evolution problems and complex contradictions problem. The members of the system, such as stakeholder networks, will have conflicts of interest, so it needs to be solved together. The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), featuring a systemized solution thinking mode, can provide innovation principles to cope with the problem of system structural contradictions effectively. This research tries to combine TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problems Solving) and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to give a logical process for decision makers easier to find the key criteria and relationships among the problems. The DEMATEL technique can be used to determine the degree of influence among criteria/factors. In this research, this synthesized methodology is applied to solve two social problems in Taiwan as empirical examples of this study. First, TRIZ is applied to solve the nuclear-free homeland problem, in which innovation principles- solutions for the “nuclear-free homeland” are derived. Besides, DEMATEL technique is applied to find the key innovation principles and the degree of influence. Finally, the results provide key countermeasures to solve the structural contradictions in the new energy policies. The second example is about the problem of mobile payment in Taiwan in the “early majority” market promotion. All the process of synthesized methodology is applied to solve this problem as another example to prove the effectiveness of this method. The results of first example reveals that green electricity transaction market mechanism establishment, modification to the electric industry law and the ordinance on formulating the proportion of renewable energies by the high energy consumption industries are the most important directions for Taiwan government. In the second example, different measures for mobile payment market establishment by central and local government should be emphasized. These results reveal that this method can logically and effectively solve the social problems and give improvement or solving suggestions for related organizations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社會技術系統
★ 創新問題解決理論
★ 決策實驗室法
★ 非核家園能源政策
★ 行動支付系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Socio-technical system
★ Theory of solution of inventive problems (TRIZ)
★ Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL)
★ The energy policy of nuclear-free homeland
★ mobile payment system
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background and motivation 1
1-2 Research purposes 3
1-3 Organization of the dissertation 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2-1 Socio-technical system 5
2-2 Stakeholder network 5
2-3TRIZ technique 6
2-4 DEMATEL technique 6
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 8
3-1 TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) 8
3-2 DEMATEL 10
3-2-1 Basic theory of DEMATEL 10
3-2-2 Operation steps of DEMATEL 12
3-3 Concept of combination methodology 13
Chapter 4 Case study- the complex system with contradiction situation 14
4-1 The problem of nuclear-free homeland 14
4-2 Resolving structural contradictions for nuclear-free homeland 19
4-3 Construct the influential network relationship map for nuclear-free homeland 24
4-4 Summarizes 28
Chapter 5 Case study-The co-evolution issue for stakeholder network 30
5-1The problem of mobile payment 30
5-2 Resolving co-evolution for mobile payment issue 35
5-3 Construct the influential network relationship map for mobile payment 39
5-4 Summarizes 43
Chapter 6 Conclusions and suggestions 44
6-1 Conclusions 44
6-2 Research limitations and further research 44
Reference 46
Appendix 52
Questionnaire-Case study 1 52
Questionnaire-Case study 2 57
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指導教授 張東生(Dong-Shang Chang) 審核日期 2020-7-30
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