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姓名 黎秋玉(Le, Thi Thu Ngoc)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
(Optical model for LED die operated at UVC range of wavelength around 275 nm)
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摘要(中) 本論文提出了針對UVC波段之光源進行的二階光學設計,此設計擁有較佳的光學利用率及高均勻度之表現。擁有精準的光源模型對於後端透鏡設計是非常重要的一步,本論文採用之LED光源的模型是以中場理論為基礎再透過光學模擬軟體ASAP輔助計算所建立,該光源模型透過實驗與模擬計算NCC高達99%以上,證明該模型之是足夠精準的,最後利用ASAP進行光源之光追跡模擬設計與優化二階光學元件。在論文中我們根據光學利用率和均勻度兩項指標設計了兩種類型的透鏡,分別為TIR透鏡和菲涅爾透鏡。兩種透鏡在設計完成並打樣後還進行了相關光學表現之量測,並在最後針對兩種設計之量測結果再進行討論與評估。
摘要(英) This thesis presents the optical model for a type of LED emitting a wavelength of the 275 nm and the design of lenses that increase the ability to direct light into a given target area, which satisfy the requirements such as uniformity, optical utilization factor (OUF). By using high-precision simulation software, Advanced Systems Analysis Program (ASAP), the light model for LED is established in simulation and verification by empirical measurement. Light models of LEDs in simulations and experiments that match up to 99% are considered standard. This model can be used to design lenses for LED and predict the optical performance of light when passing through the lens in the simulation. In this work, we design two types of lenses for LED: TIR lens and Fresnel Lens based on the requirements of optical utilization factor (OUF) and uniformity in the target area. After the design, the lenses manufacturing process at the factory are conducted. Through experimental measurements, we obtain the optical performance of light. Finally, we compare the results achieved between simulation and experiment and discussion.
關鍵字(中) ★ LED
★ 光源模型
論文目次 Contents

Abstract II
Figure caption V
Table caption XI
1 Introduction 1
1.1 UVC light sources 1
1.2 Advantages of UVC LED 3
1.3 Motivations and thesis overview 4
2 Theory 6
2.1 Light emitting diode (LED) 6
2.2 Theory about optical model and normalized cross
correlation for UVC LED 8
2.3 Analysis of lens design theory for UVC LED 12
2.3.1 Basic Principles 12
2.3.2 The Law of Reflection 12
2.3.3 Law of Refraction and the total internal
reflection 13
2.3.4 Fresnel equation 15
3 Die Bonding and Optical Model for UVC LED 17
3.1 Die bonding for UVC LED 17
3.1.1 The UVC LED is used for experiment 17
3.1.2 Die bonding processes for UVC LED 18
3.2 Light field modeling for UVC LED 21
3.2.1 One-dimension intensity distribution
measurement for UVC LED 21
3.2.2 Simulation of 1D intensity distribution for
3.2.3 Optical model and normalized cross
correlation for UVC LED 24
4 Design the Total Internal Reflection (TIR) Lens and
Fresnel Lens for UVC LED in Simulation 26
4.1 TIR lens 28
4.1.1 Analysis of TIR lens design 28
4.1.2 Optical utilization factor (OUF) 30
4.1.3 Uniformity 32
4.2 Fresnel lens 33
4.2.1 Analysis of Fresnel lens design 33
4.2.2 Optical utilization factor (OUF) 36
4.2.3 Uniformity 38
5 Experimental Measurements and Results 40
5.1 TIR lens 40
5.1.1 Measurement of the light through TIR lenses41 Experimental setup 41 Results 43
5.1.2 Measurement of the optical utilization
factor (OUF) 44 Measurement of the flux through TIR
lenses 44 Measurement of the flux on the target
5.1.3 Measurement of the uniformity of the light
patterns through the TIR lenses 49 Experimetal setup 49 Results 50
5.2 Fresnel lens 51
5.2.1 Measurement of the light through Fresnel
lenses 52 Experimental setup 52 Results 52
5.2.2 Measurement of the flux through Fresnel
lenses 54 Measurement of the flux through
Fresnel lenses 54 Measurement of the flux on the
target 56
5.2.3 Measurement of the uniformity of the light
patterns throughthe Fresnel lenses 58 Experimetal setup 58 Results 58
5.3 Discussions 60
6 Conclusions and Future Works 62
6.1 Conclusions 62
6.2 Future works 62
References 63
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指導教授 孫慶成博士(Ching-Cherng Sun Vu-Tuan-Hung Le) 審核日期 2020-8-20
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