博碩士論文 106222019 詳細資訊

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姓名 石宇哲(SHIH, YU-JHE)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 無頻率調制銣原子光鐘之研究
(The study of rubidium optical clock without frequency modulation)
★ 銫原子 6S-6D 雙光子超精細耦合常數★ 同調性毫赫茲以下的光學偏頻鎖相系統測 量高分辨率的銫原子 6S-6D 超精細躍遷
★ 銫原子穩頻822奈米二級光鐘★ 銫原子6S1/2-6D3/2超精細躍遷絕對頻率與超精細結構
★ 銫原子蘭道g值之量測★ 偏頻鎖相超短脈衝雷射以實現銫及銣原子高解析直接光梳光譜
★ 碘分子R(81)29-0 超精譜線用於539.5-nm 雷射穩頻★ 銣原子光鐘絕對頻率之量測
★ 於高真空中量測銫原子6S1/2 - 6D3/2 雙光子躍遷頻率★ 利用"紅色火龍果"開發板研究銣原子光鐘超精細躍遷
★ Direct comb laser spectroscopy of Cs 6S-8S, Rb 5S-5D hyperfine transitions—toward building up a novel Ti:sapphire comb laser with merely 6cm Cs-Rb mixed cell
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摘要(中) 本論文為了發展銣原子二級光鐘以建立時間頻率標準。實驗上,我們利用電光調制器將778 nm光纖雷射鎖在銣原子雙光子躍遷的交叉譜線。藉由改變電光調制器的調制頻率,進而改變雷射的頻率,以精密地量測銣原子5S-5D雙光子躍遷譜線。778 nm穩頻雷射的穩定度,在1秒的積分時間,Allan deviation已達到5×10^(-12),因為量測受限於銫原子鐘的穩定度,所以我們認為778 nm穩頻雷射的穩定度會更好。
A(85Rb,5D5/2):-2.2122(24) MHz,B(85Rb,5D5/2):2.6881(38) MHz,A(87Rb,5D5/2):-7.4595(29) MHz,B(87Rb,5D5/2):1.2748(23) MHz。同位素偏移(Isotope shift):160.630(7) MHz。
摘要(英) The aim of this thesis is to develop a rubidium secondary optical clock to establish a time and frequency standard. In this experiment, the 778 nm fiber laser is locked to crossover lines of rubidium two-photon transition via electro-optical modulator. When changing the modulation frequency of the electro-optic modulator, the laser frequency is correspondingly changed. So we can precisely measure the 5S-5D two-photon transition spectrum in rubidium.
For the stability of the 778 nm frequency-stabilized laser, the Allan deviation can reach 5×10^(-12) within 1 second of integration time. We believe that the stability of the 778 nm frequency-stabilized laser is better, because the measurement is limited by the stability of cesium atomic clock.
We correct the influence of the shift of atomic transition frequency caused by light intensity. In addition, we calculate the A and B hyperfine structure constants by using the energy level interval of hyperfine structure.
A(85Rb,5D5/2):-2.2122(24) MHz, B(85Rb,5D5/2):2.6881(38) MHz, A(87Rb,5D5/2):-7.4595(29) MHz, B(87Rb,5D5/2):1.2748(23) MHz. Isotope shift:160.630(7) MHz.
關鍵字(中) ★ 銣原子
★ 二級光鐘
關鍵字(英) ★ Rubidium
★ secondary optical clock
論文目次 目錄
Abstract....................................... ii
第一章 緒論.....................................1
1.1 研究動機..................................1
1.2 銣原子歷史相關實驗.........................2
第二章 基本理論.................................7
2.1 銣原子的超精細結構.........................7
2.2 譜線增寬效應..............................11
2.3 光強度偏移................................14
2.4 同位素偏移(isotope shift).................15
2.5 Pound-Drever-Hall 穩頻法..................17
第三章 實驗架設..................................20
3.1 778 nm光纖雷射............................20
3.2 穩頻雷射系統...............................23
3.2.1 Pound-Drever-Hall 穩頻法............24
3.2.2 光學共振腔之設計.....................27
3.2.3 電光頻率調制鎖頻法...................30
3.3 掃頻雷射系統..............................33
第四章 實驗結果與分析............................34
4.1 穩頻雷射系統分析...........................34
4.1.1 Pound-Drever-Hall訊號...............34
4.1.2 穩頻雷射的穩定度......................36
4.2 銣原子5S-5D螢光譜線分析.....................38
4.3 銣原子5S-5D的躍遷頻率量測...................44
4.4 銣原子5D5/2的超精細結構常數.................53
4.5 銣原子5S1/2-5D5/2的同位素偏移...............54
第五章 結論與未來展望..............................55
參考文獻 ...........................................56
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指導教授 鄭王曜(Cheng, Wang-Yau) 審核日期 2020-8-20
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