博碩士論文 102282006 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉子維(Tze-Wei Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Direct comb laser spectroscopy of Cs 6S-8S, Rb 5S-5D hyperfine transitions—toward building up a novel Ti:sapphire comb laser with merely 6cm Cs-Rb mixed cell)
★ 銫原子 6S-6D 雙光子超精細耦合常數★ 同調性毫赫茲以下的光學偏頻鎖相系統測 量高分辨率的銫原子 6S-6D 超精細躍遷
★ 銫原子穩頻822奈米二級光鐘★ 銫原子6S1/2-6D3/2超精細躍遷絕對頻率與超精細結構
★ 銫原子蘭道g值之量測★ 偏頻鎖相超短脈衝雷射以實現銫及銣原子高解析直接光梳光譜
★ 碘分子R(81)29-0 超精譜線用於539.5-nm 雷射穩頻★ 銣原子光鐘絕對頻率之量測
★ 於高真空中量測銫原子6S1/2 - 6D3/2 雙光子躍遷頻率★ 利用"紅色火龍果"開發板研究銣原子光鐘超精細躍遷
★ 無頻率調制銣原子光鐘之研究
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摘要(中) 隨著時代的進步,雷射光學技術發生了快速變化,光梳雷射的發明為光學技術開闢了新的前景。由於光梳雷射具有寬頻、高峰值功率以及窄線寬的性質因此光梳雷射在光譜學上扮演著重要的角色。然而,想將光梳雷射的頻率鎖住,人們往往需要用到一些複雜、敏感的技術,像是頻率鏈技術或是 1f-2f 技術,而這都使得光梳雷射系統既昂貴且嬌弱。
摘要(英) With the progress of times, laser optics technology has undergone rapid changes, and the invention of optical comb lasers has opened up new prospects for optical technology. For the reason that comb laser has the properties of broadband, high peak power and narrow linewidth, it plays an important role in spectroscopy. However, in order to lock the frequency of comb laser very well, people often need to use some complex and sensitive technologies, such as the frequency chain method or the 1f-2f method, and these cause the comb laser system expensive and fragile.
In this thesis, we demonstrate a different scheme to lock the frequency of comb laser, which uses only one Cs-Rb mixed gas cell as frequency reference standard for all the parameters of comb laser. This scheme can cause the comb laser system more compact and robust. In addition, we use a simple device to measure the high-resolution direct frequency comb spectrum (DFCS) of the cesium and rubidium two-photon transition (TPT) without Doppler background. Furthermore, by measuring the two-photon transition frequencies of cesium and rubidium atoms under different conditions, the variable factors that affect the frequency of comb laser will be found.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光梳雷射
★ 直接光梳光譜
★ 級聯躍遷
★ 無都普勒效應
★ 雙光子躍遷
★ 混合氣室
關鍵字(英) ★ comb laser
★ direct frequency comb spectroscopy
★ stepwise transition
★ Doppler free
★ two photon transition
★ mixed cell
論文目次 1. Introduction….......................................1
1.0 Forward……………………………………………………………………………………….….……......1
1.1 Comb laser system and frequency measurement……......4
1.2 Doppler free direct frequency comb spectroscopy…...7
1.3 Purpose of experiment and outline of this thesis……11

2. Theoretical discussion…………………………………………………………………………….………...........13
2.1 Atomic energy level……………………………………………………………………………….13
2.1.1 Notation of atomic energy level…………………………………….……13
2.1.2 Fine structure and hyperfine structure…………………………14
2.1.3 Energy levels of cesium and rubidium............16
2.2 Two photon transition…………………………………………………………….……………18
2.2.1 Stepwise two photon transition probability………………18
2.2.2 Two photon transition frequency and linewidth………28
2.2.3 Frequency shift and spectrum broadening………………………33
2.3 Analysis of error signal for stabilizing the frequency of comb laser…………...........................36
2.4 Analysis of spectrum obtained by the phase modulated CW laser [44]…........................................39

3. Experimental setup and system analysis…………………………………45
3.1 Experimental setup…...............................45
3.1.1 Ti:sapphire laser system…………………………………………………………….47
3.1.2 Frequency modulation device………………………………………….....52
3.1.3 Doppler background free device…………………………………………….57
3.1.4 Atomic gas cell and the fluorescence signal……………59
3.1.5 Circular polarization setup………………………………………………………59
3.1.6 Spatial light modulator and autocorrelator………………62
3.1.7 822nm reference laser system……………………………………………..…63
3.2 Stabilize the frequency scanning process…………………………65
3.2.1 Wide range frequency scanning method………………………………67
3.2.2 Measuring the center frequency and linewidth of the spectra…….............................................68
3.3 Schemes to lock the comb laser……………………………………………………70
3.3.1 Signal stability test of cesium and rubidium spectrum…………..........................................70
3.3.2 DFCS frequency locking scheme…..................71
3.3.3 FPGA modulation free frequency locking scheme…..78

4. Results……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...81
4.1 Doppler-free direct atomic comb spectra analysis….81
4.1.1 Atomic cell temperature influence on cesium 6S--8S and rubidium 5S-5D spectrum………………………………..………….........81
4.1.2 Precision measurement of Cs 6S1/2(F=3)-6P3/2(F=3)-8S1/2(F=3) and
(_^87)Rb 5S1/2(F=1)-5P3/2(F=2)-5D5/2(F=3) spectrum……….89
4.2 Peculiar spectrum in comb laser-atom interaction…104
4.2.1 The pit in rubidium 5S-5D spectroscopy…………….………104
4.2.2 The vanished spectrum………………………………………………………………..106
4.2.3 The influence of linear polarization and circular polarization to Cs 6S-8S and Rb 5S-5D TPT DFCS.......108
4.3 Frequency stabilization of comb laser………………………………111
4.3.1 Locking f_ceo of Comb laser directly referenced to atomic TPT DFCS…….……………………...........................111
4.3.2 Frequency locked without referencing to additional time standard (clock)………………….………………………………………………………………112
4.3.3 Frequency locked by using FPGA………………………………………..115

5. Conclusion and future work………………………………………………………………117

6. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………………………...121
6.1 Principle of comb laser…...............................................121
6.1.1 Mode locked pulsed laser………………………………..………………………121
6.1.2 Methods of mode locking………...........................................125
6.1.3 Dispersion compensation…………………………………………………………….130
6.1.4 Optical frequency comb laser system………………………………136
6.1.5 Characteristics of optical frequency comb laser on the time domain and frequency domain……………………………………………137
6.2 The code of atomic stepwise TPT spectroscopy simulation program…….................................139

7. Reference……………………………………………………………………………………………………...148
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指導教授 鄭王曜(Wang-Yau Cheng) 審核日期 2020-8-24
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