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姓名 熊若芸(Jo-Yun Hsiung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 在現實中追求夢想:費滋傑羅《大亨小傳》之研究
(In Search of Greatness amid the Brutal Reality: A Study of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby)
★ 霍桑小說中的罪與同情★ 弦外之音:惠特曼詩中的超越觀
★ 梭羅理想與現實之探討★ 愛默生對自然與社會之超越觀
★ 博愛世界的願景:雪萊作品中理想與現實的探討★ Trust and Trustworthiness in Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge
★ 瑪麗.雪梨及其創作:再探<<科學怪人>>之文學地位★ 奧斯卡王爾德作品中的自由美學
★ 野蠻的吶喊:惠特曼作品中的自然、博愛及普世★ ?白鯨記?中浪漫主義與喀爾文教義之調和
★ 《簡 愛》中的傳統與革新之研究★ Tragic View of Life in Thomas Hardy′s Three Novels
★ 柯勒律治詩作研究:愛的概念體現★ 擺盪於理想與現實之間: 羅伯特‧布朗寧詩選之研究
★ 建造空中樓閣:《湖濱散記》中梭羅的改革理念探討★ Isabel Archer as a “Fortune-Hunter” in The Portrait of a Lady
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摘要(中) 本篇論文旨在研究費滋傑羅小說《大亨小傳》中的主角蓋茲比。美國文學經典《大亨小傳》被廣泛認為是美國文學「失落的一代」的代表。這本著作描述美國一九二零、三零年代的美好時光。透過三個主要角色:蓋茲比─黛西─湯姆之間的故事,展現彼時期最燦爛輝煌亦最墮落的樣貌。
摘要(英) This thesis aims to investigate the protagonist, Jay Gatsby, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby. The timeless classic The Great Gatsby is widely considered to be a representative of the “Lost Generation” of American literature. The novel describes the good time of the United States in the 1920s and 1930s. Through the narrative of the complex relationships among the three main characters, Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom, it shows the most splendid and the most degenerate appearances of the period.
Chapter I will provide an introduction to the background and history of the “Lost Generation” and the relationships between Fitzgerald and his works. Chapter II will be focused on Gatsby, the protagonist. It will not only study Gatsby’s American dream, but also analyze the American dream in that period. Through looking at the origins and development of the American Dream, the main social values of wealth and class issues of the “Lost Generation” will be criticized. Chapter III will closely analyze the four main characters from the perspectives of psychoanalytic theory, and further explore the spiritual changes and circumstances of the four roles in facing the American Dream. In Chapter IV, discussions of social changes at different levels will demonstrate how they affect human beings during 1920s in some sense.
In the concluding chapter, the main ideas discussed in the previous chapters will be restated. Through The Great Gatsby, we learn that in spite of some flaws in Gatsby’s character, Fitzgerald still encourages people to reach for some wisdom in the ups and downs of life.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大亨小傳
★ 美國夢
關鍵字(英) ★ The Great Gatsby
★ the American Dream
論文目次 Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
Chapter I Introduction 1
Chapter II The American Dream 12
Chapter III Psychological Transformation 29
Chapter IV Realities 47
Chapter V Conclusion 60
Works Cited 66
參考文獻 Works Cited
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指導教授 郭章瑞(Chang-Jui Kuo) 審核日期 2020-7-30
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