摘要(英) |
This paper aims at 18 types of futures commodities in three categories: agricultural futures, metal energy futures and financial futures. Based on the risk parity theory and account risk ratio, the weights of each futures commodity in the portfolio are allocated to form a futures commodity portfolio. Using Dual Moving Average Crossover (DMAC) and Price Channel Breakthroughs (PCB) of two trend following trading strategies, back-testing data from 1990 to 2019, and exploring whether trend following trading strategies can create stable positive returns. The research results show that the average annualized return of about 16 % can be obtained by using the trend following trading strategy, and the Sharpe ratio reaches above 0.7. Through the robustness test in different periods, the trend following trading strategy set in this paper can obtain stable positive returns. In addition, through the parameter optimization test, we know that the trend setting is not unique. Within a certain range of parameters, the trend following trading strategy can still obtain stable positive returns, showing that the trend following trading strategy is applied to the futures commodity portfolio, It is a feasible and stable trading strategy. |
參考文獻 |
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