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姓名 劉芓鴻(Tzu-Hung Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 財富管理客戶選擇銀行之因素探討
★ 境外匯回專法實施前後境外資金解決方案比較-以個案分析為例★ 企業社會責任報告書內部利害關係人關注議題探討-以個案G公司為例
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摘要(中) 中文摘要
As the market changes, the financial market was also evolving, and it was more effective in providing better services to customers and bringing greater benefits, meanwhile, it also highlights the need for financial management. In addition, with the growth of high-asset groups, wealth management had also become one of the main sources of revenue for the banking industry. Furthermore, it had also attracted more foreign banks to set up strongholds in Taiwan. High-asset groups had become an indispensable objects for banks to pursue. In the study, the in-depth interview method was used, and the interviewees were divided into three groups and classified; the personal total assets of the first group was more than NT$ 30 million, the second group was between NT$ 10 million and NT$ 30 million, and the third group was between NT$ 3 million and NT$ 10 million, respectively. There are 2 persons in each sample, and a total of 6 interviewers. From the five aspects of brand rights, hardware and software equipment, financial management personnel, financial products, and fee discounts, we will conduct an analysis of the factors regarding how wealth management customers choose banks. The study found that high-asset customer groups are more attached to the importance of the brand equity, and brand equity was often an indicator of the influence on brand sentiment and brand trust. The higher the level of high-asset customer group brand sentiment and brand trust, the more adherence to the brand. Secondly, in terms of hardware and software equipment, wealth management was becoming informational, and the core system was strengthened. The banking industry must provide better customer experiences, with faster core systems, to make the systems smoother. Financial management personnel, financial management specialists must use their professional skills to help customers configure assets and carry out diversified products risk controls in order to create wealth multipliers. In respect to wealth management, most of the wealth management products are mainly global stock-oriented investment commodities, corporate bonds, government bonds and stocks. Finally, in terms of fee discounts, if banks can provide high-asset customer groups with better returns on investment, high-asset customer groups will be willing to stay in the original banks to continue wealth management despite the fact that customers have to pay a management fee. The contribution of studying can be used as a reference for the banking industry to promote wealth management business for high-asset customer groups.
關鍵字(中) ★ 財富管理
★ 高資產客戶
★ 理財專員
關鍵字(英) ★ wealth management
★ high-asset clients
★ wealth management specialists
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 財富管理的意涵 7
第二節 品牌權益的意涵 10
第三節 軟硬體設備的意涵 13
第四節 理財專員及理財商品 15
第五節 財富管理相關研究 18
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 研究架構 20
第二節 研究方法 21
第三節 研究對象 25
第四章 研究結果與討論 26
第一節 受訪者特性 26
第二節 訪談資料整理與分析 29
第三節 研究發現與命題 39

第五章 結論與建議 43
第一節 結論 43
第二節 管理意涵 45
第三節 研究限制 47
第四節 未來研究方向建議 48
參考文獻 49
附錄 54
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指導教授 李小梅 葉錦徽(none none) 審核日期 2020-7-28
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