摘要(英) |
There have been numerous frauds committed by international large-scale enterprises in recent years, which have significantly affected the global financial order, including OECD, World Bank, and other organizations, attributed to corporate governance oversights. The relevant literature on corporate governance and enterprise anti-corruption, international norms, and general practices in Taiwan are summarized in this study. Also, the four major types of corruption in enterprises involving XPEC Entertainment, SinoPac Financial Holdings Company Limited, Foxconn, and Micron Technology Inc., are analyzed in-depth in order to understand the causes of the malpractices and violations of corporate governance. Also, qualitative interviews are planned with six TWSE/TPEx listed companies to obtain the opinions of the business owners or senior managers on corporate governance practices, and on the difficulties of anti-corruption faced by enterprises and their relevant suggestions. Additionally, this study discusses the relationship among competent authorities, judicial prosecution, and enterprises. Furthermore, it comprehensively concludes the seven major corporate governance issues that have resulted in corruption committed by enterprises in Taiwan. Then, it proposes seven enterprise anti-corruption strategies that cover both the internal and external governance of the company from the perspective of anti-corruption practices for enterprises in Taiwan, which can be used as guidelines to help enterprises improve their corporate governance and optimize their internal anti-corruption mechanisms. At the same time, suggestions are given to government departments on the policies of administrative supervision or judicial monitoring. Hopefully, such strategies and suggestions can comprehensively help enhance the anti-corruption energy of enterprises. Applying technologies and real-time, dynamic, and flexible practices will help improve the corporate governance of domestic enterprises in order to prevent the responsible person and staff from jeopardizing the development of the company for personal gain. Also, this will reduce the risk of enterprise corruption. |
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