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姓名 陳博庠(Bo-Xiang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 金融專利對本國銀行績效的影響
★ 期間利差與經濟衰退之預測模型-理性預期假設之驗證★ 台灣、美國總經月數據與台股股價指數之關聯性
★ 台灣資訊電子產業異質性及利潤率之探討★ 中小企業案件逾期放款之預測
★ 台灣半導體產業經營效率分析-三階段資料包絡分析法之應用★ 台灣車輛產業經濟附加價值之研究-兼論影響信通交通器材公司經濟附加價值之因素
★ 外人直接投資與研發活動之關聯性-台灣電子相關產業之實證研究★ 消費性信用貸款授信評量模式之研究
★ 二順位房貸產品風險預警分析★ 新產品商業化流程之個案研究–以美商3M公司為例
★ 高淨值客戶風險屬性與共同基金投資報酬率之實證研究★ 台灣加權指數與指數股票型基金風險值之歷史模擬法分析
★ 國際油價、匯率與利率之動態關聯—VECM與VECM-GARCH之應用★ 主流記憶體之二十年價格模式研究與驗證
★ 以DEA模型分析桃園郵局之營運績效★ 奢侈稅實施對都會地區房價之衝擊反應分析
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摘要(中) 在數位化及行動化的浪潮下,Fintech金融科技在全球的金融市場中開始颳起一場旋風式的改革,各個國家都紛紛投入行列中以求佔領到領先的地位。然而金融業者在面臨消費者的交易模式改變及一直探底的低利率時代來臨,在為了維持原有的企業規模及營業收益,也讓本來都對外採封閉式管理的金融業者不得不將傳統的思維拋之腦後,以因應這波金融科技的來襲,在發展金融科技下也應有相對的保護因此有了金融專利的誕生。而本文欲探討金融專利數對於公司績效的影響,以台灣23間上市上櫃的金融公司為樣本,透過股價及ROA做為應變數,再放入金融專利數、本益比、負債比、公司年齡、外資持股、營業收入、公司規模做為自變數。過去許多文獻都雖有分析專利數對公司績效的影響但多聚焦於生技及電子產業,在金融產業的文獻甚少,也是受到金融專利在近幾年才蓬勃發展所故,因此本文希望研究金融業者在面臨這波金融科技浪潮下所做的創新是否能為該公司帶來立即的成效,也能因此能讓投資人作為參考標的之一。研究結果發現金融專利對於股價有正向的影響,代表金融專利數越多時,對於一間公司的股價會帶來上漲的效果,這與當初預期的效果是相符的,因為一間公司的金融專利數越多代表一間公司擁有著其他公司所沒有的技術,可以使自身的實力及價值更上一層樓,也使得投資人越願意投資,而在ROA方面則與預期結果不符,我認為應當是企業投入相對多的資金去研發技術並取得專利後,但此專利未能在短期間帶來實際上營利的效果故在淨利上尚無法帶來正向的影響。
摘要(英) Under the wave of digitization, Fintech started a whirlwind reform in the global financial market, and various countries have engaged in the ranks in order to occupy the leading position. The financial industry is facing the era of changing consumer transactions and the low interest rate that has been bottoming out. In order to maintain the scale of the reorganized enterprise and the operating income, the financial industry that originally used closed management must throw away traditional thinking. Behind the brain, in response to the arrival of this wave of financial technology, there should be relative protection under the development of financial technology. Therefore, the birth of financial patents. Here we want to discuss the impact of the number of financial patents on company performance, taking 23 listed financial companies in Taiwan as samples. You can use the sample and ROA as the strain number, and then add the number of financial patents, price-earnings ratio, debt ratio, company age, foreign exchange holdings, operating income, and company size as independent variables. Analyzing the impact of the number of patents on the company’s performance but focusing more on the biotechnology and electronics industries. There are very few literatures in the financial industry. It is also because of the rapid development of financial patents in recent years. Therefore, this article hopes that financial industry researchers will face this The wave research found that there is a positive impact on financial patents. Does the innovation that operates under the wave of financial technology, which represents the increasing number of financial patents, bring immediate results to the company, and therefore can also be one of the reference targets for investors. For a long time, it will bring a higher effect to a company, which is consistent with the expected effect, because the greater the number of financial patents of a company, the more the company has technology that other companies do not have. It can bring its own strength and value to a higher level, or the more willing investors are to invest, and ROA is not in line with the expected results. I think it is the enterprise that should deal with a relatively large amount of funds to develop technology and obtain a patent, but this patent Almost in a short period of time, it will bring actual profit-making effects, so it cannot bring a positive impact on net profit.
關鍵字(中) ★ 金融科技
★ 金融專利
★ 公司績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Fintech
★ Financial Patent
★ Corporate Performance
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 研究架構 4
第二章 金融專利概述6
2-1 金融科技(FINTECH) 6
2-2 兩岸金融專利發展比較 11
第三章 文獻回顧 13
第四章 資料來源與變數說明 17
4-1 資料來源 17
4-2 變數之定義 21
4-3 敘述統計 25
第五章 研究方法 26
5-1 實證模型 26
5-2 模型檢定(HAUSMAN TEST) 28
第六章 研究結果分析 30
6-1 結果 30
6-1-1 對股價的影響 30
6-1-1 對ROA的影響 32
第七章 結論與建議 34
7-1 結論 34
7-2 研究限制與建議 34
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指導教授 陳忠榮(Jo-Rong Chen) 審核日期 2020-7-22
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