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姓名 王杏文(Hsing-Wen Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 中藥准入歐盟的法律制度研析
(Research and Analysis on the Legal Framework of Chinese Medicine concern the Access to EU)
★ 論企業重整運作機制---兼論公司重整治理及新資金取得★ 評析我國證券交易法內線交易之規範—以美國立法例為借鏡
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★ 網路購物標價錯誤法律效果之研究★ 股東表決權-論公開發行公司董事設質股票之表決權限制
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★ 論我國消費者債務清理機制的更新與新設-以個人重整程序為核心★ 網路數位化商品之消費者保護-以郵購買賣為核心
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摘要(中) 中醫藥是中華民族優秀的傳統文化,獨具使用上的特色和優勢。近年來,世界各國已經開始認可中醫藥的治療和保健作用,中醫藥在國際的地位逐漸提升,中醫藥相關產品貿易額呈逐年遞增趨勢,不僅貿易總量提高,在交易上也可以看到中藥產品正在進行結構優化的趨勢。隨著國際草藥市場的競爭越來越激烈,市場的逐漸擴大為中醫藥行業走向國際化帶來了難得的機遇,但經爭也伴隨著挑戰。而歐洲人運用植物藥有幾百年歷史,本身有著使用草藥的悠久傳統,民眾對植物藥的認識和接受度較高,以及越來越重視保健、崇尚天然這種醫療概念的普及,這些因素的總體作用下,已經使歐洲躍升為世界上最大的植物藥市場。作為全球最大的中草藥市場,並且以顯著的速度增長,歐盟自然成為中藥產品進軍國際市場的重要目標。
摘要(英) Traditional Chinese medicine is an excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, with unique characteristics and advantages in use. In recent years, countries all over the world have begun to recognize the therapeutic and health care functions of traditional Chinese medicine. The international status of traditional Chinese medicine has been gradually improved. The trade volume of TCM related products has been increasing year by year. Not only the total trade volume has increased, but also the trend of structural optimization of TCM products can be seen in the trade. With the increasingly fierce competition in the international herbal medicine market, the gradual expansion of the market has brought rare opportunities for the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine industry, but the competition is also accompanied by challenges. The European use of herbal medicine has a history of hundreds of years, and has a long tradition of using herbal medicine. People have a high degree of understanding and acceptance of herbal medicine, and pay more and more attention to health care and advocate the popularity of natural medical concept. Under the overall effect of these factors, Europe has become the largest market of herbal medicine in the world. As the largest Chinese herbal medicine market in the world, and with a significant growth rate, the EU naturally becomes an important target for Chinese herbal medicine products to enter the international market.
Through the research on the current situation of EU botanical medicine market and management, this paper attempts to analyze the current situation of internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine, and puts forward countermeasures on the trend of European market. In particular, since 2004, a series of legalized and standardized norms have been established for herbal medicine, which has a huge impact on the Western entry of Chinese herbal medicine into Europe. It seems to be an obstacle, but in fact, it is more like stepping on it Step by step, step by step, you can finally knock on the door of the market. This paper is to clarify the structure of this series of norms and make an analysis. In the structure layer of the article, this paper first introduces the concept and significance of the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine, and then analyzes the world situation of the export of traditional Chinese medicine and the emergence of the EU market.
However, in recent years, the EU has strengthened the management of traditional botanical drugs in the EU, and issued a series of directives. On the one hand, the EU′s pharmaceutical registration directive recognizes that traditional botanical drugs can be registered as drugs, and provides simplified procedures; on the other hand, the application for simplified registration itself is also full of difficulties, such as lack of funds, proof of service life and trade barriers, etc If we can not get the identity of traditional plant medicine, we will be forced to withdraw from the EU market. Therefore, how to deal with the opportunities and challenges brought by EU′s plant medicine legislation, how to successfully break through EU′s technical standard trade barriers, and how to enter the EU market as a drug will be a serious challenge and an urgent problem for Chinese medicine enterprises. Therefore, this paper analyzes the existing obstacles from the aspects of registration scope, registration procedure and registration quality standard of EU registration and access system of traditional Chinese medicine. By analyzing the hierarchical structure of registration system, it finds out the way for Chinese herbal medicine to enter the EU legally, as well as the sales form that may be a breakthrough once faced with registration obstacles.
According to the current EU regulations, the breakthrough point for Chinese medicine to enter the EU market is that it can enter the EU market in the form of food supplements, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices. Through a brief analysis of the main marketing channels of these products and relevant EU regulations, we can find out the feasible ways for Chinese medicine to be listed in the EU, and focus on how to use these forms of Chinese patent medicine It is expected to provide some ideas and references for Chinese medicine enterprises who are interested in exploring the EU market, and give some countermeasures and suggestions to expand the market share of Chinese medicine in EU countries.
Finally, this paper also observes from the perspective of future trends, such as the impact of the global spread of the new crown epidemic in 2019 on the world′s pharmaceutical system, as well as the opportunity for the new thinking of re examining the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine to re construct the market expansion of traditional Chinese medicine. In this atmosphere of re constructing the overall medical concept, it is also more able to find out the breakthrough of traditional Chinese medicine in the EU The key is to analyze these causes and find a breakthrough point, which is believed to provide more countermeasures and marketing suggestions for the strategic direction of traditional Chinese medicine entering the EU market as a drug.
關鍵字(中) ★ 中藥出口
★ 歐盟
★ 傳統藥品申請
★ 歐洲藥典
★ 中藥註冊
★ 保健食品註冊
關鍵字(英) ★ Chinese medicine export
★ European Union
★ Traditional medicine application
★ European Pharmacopoeia
★ Chinese medicine registration
★ COS / CEP certification
★ Health food registration
論文目次 摘 要 I
誌 謝 VI
目 錄 VIII
圖 目 錄 X
表 目 錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 論文研究的背景與問題提出 1
第二節 論文研究目的及意義 2
第三節 研究方法及論文結構 3
第二章 中藥的國際化 4
第一節 中藥國際化的意義 4
第二節 中醫藥國際化的優勢 7
第三節 中藥國際化的劣勢 9
第三章 中藥的國際市場分析  11
第一節 中藥國際市場論述 11
第二節 中藥對外貿易地理方向不平衡的原因分析 22
第三節 對策與建議 23
第四章 推廣歐美市場策略下的歐盟中藥註冊准入制度研究 26
第一節 拓展歐盟市場的意義 26
第二節 歐盟植物藥市場現狀與規模狀況 27
第五章 歐盟草藥註冊核心法規分論 30
第一節 歐盟傳統植物藥相關法令概述 30
第二節 《傳統植物藥註冊程式指令》(Directive2004/24/EC)介紹. ..........34
第三節 歐洲藥典的介紹..............................................................................39
第四節 COS認證系統的介紹 48
第五節 申報歐盟傳統草藥的難點研究 50
第六節 不符《傳統植物藥註冊程式指令》時中醫藥在歐盟
上市的途徑 52
第七節 《傳統植物藥註冊程式指令》存在的問題 55
第六章 未來中醫藥在歐盟國家的發展態勢分析 57
第一節 未來中醫藥在歐盟國家的發展態勢分析 57
第二節 未來仍面臨諸多挑戰 59
第七章 結論與建議 62
第一節 發展機遇 62
第二節 總結 63
第三節 展望 64
參考文獻 65
附件一、《歐盟傳統植物藥(草藥)註冊程式指令》 70
附件二、歐盟GMP附錄7:草本藥品製造(中文翻譯) 92
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指導教授 鄭有為(Albert Yu-Wei Cheng) 審核日期 2020-8-19
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