摘要(英) |
Container technology has developed rapidly in recent years, and many software services are deployed as containers and microservices. Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration system that provides powerful features to automatically deploy and manage containerized applications, makes container deployment more flexible and reliable. So many cloud vendors provide managed Kubernetes service make it more popular to deploy containers on a cloud cluster. Some scenarios of the Internet of Things or edge computing also use Kubernetes to deploy their jobs. These jobs may face some problems, such as degradation of work node performance caused by edge environment variety, uneven computing power between work nodes, or dynamic workload. However, managing resources for containers in Kubernetes is rely on the manager’s estimation, and it is difficult to adjust to dynamic workload changes. Therefore, this thesis proposes a set of extension functions for Kubernetes, make it possible to relocate containers according to the work progress, which is achieved by using Kafka as message passing channel and monitoring Consumer Lag of each job. This thesis also proposes a relocation control flow to avoid data loss or data re-process after container relocation. |
參考文獻 |
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