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姓名 翁媞娜(Thitinan Wongkitrungrueag)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 三維空間機會網路下高效率的訊息傳送方法
(An Efficient Message Forwarding scheme in 3D Opportunistic Networks)
★ 非結構同儕網路上以特徵相似度為基準之搜尋方法★ 以階層式叢集聲譽為基礎之行動同儕網路拓撲架構
★ 線上RSS新聞資料流中主題性事件監測機制之設計與實作★ 耐延遲網路下具密度感知的路由方法
★ 整合P2P與UPnP內容分享服務之家用多媒體閘道器:設計與實作★ 家庭網路下簡易無縫式串流影音播放服務之設計與實作
★ 耐延遲網路下訊息傳遞時間分析與高效能路由演算法設計★ BitTorrent P2P 檔案系統下載端網路資源之可調式配置方法與效能實測
★ 耐延遲網路中利用訊息編碼重組條件之資料傳播機制★ 耐延遲網路中基於人類移動模式之路由機制
★ 車載網路中以資料匯集技術改善傳輸效能之封包傳送機制★ 適用於交叉路口環境之車輛叢集方法
★ 車載網路下結合路側單元輔助之訊息廣播機制★ 耐延遲網路下以靜態中繼節點(暫存盒)最佳化訊息傳遞效能之研究
★ 耐延遲網路下以動態叢集感知建構之訊息傳遞機制★ 跨裝置影音匯流平台之設計與實作
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摘要(中) 近年來與無人機相關的應用被廣泛研究,在不同的情境下,使用無人機支援網路環境,並透過有效的部署無人機群以及無人機之間的合作輔以網絡中繼方法,以擴展網絡通信的服務範圍,此類路由方法與新式的儲存-攜帶-傳送機制相仿,應用於大範圍無線網路的問題,因此,相對於傳統沒有無人機的高度變動網路環境,飛行的無人機群能藉由轉傳資料,快速的將訊息送至終點。

摘要(英) The UAV application has been widely researched in the past decade. Over numerous scenarios, researchers have exploited the facility of UAVs to support the network service.
To deploy efficiently for extensible network communications, it is advantageous for using a group of UAVs that cooperate in data delivery in three-dimensional (3D) opportunistic networks. UAVs regularly adopt a novel Store-Carry-Forward (SCF) mechanism to solve data delivery in large-scale communication environments. As compared with no assistant of UAVs in a highly dynamic routing model, UAVs flying to handover data can achieve rapid data transfer to the destination. However, there are quite a few studies on supporting mobile opportunistic networking in 3D space. Our scheme on data gathering using UAV-based message forwarding technology can aid data delivery with buffer
management policy in 3D opportunistic space. This new design is named Multi-Ferry Forwarding with Extended Global Knowledge-based scheduling and drop policy (F-EGBSD),
which is intended for maximizing the delivery ratio. This study demonstrates the entire communication scenario in the air by offering the UAV sensor, UAV transporter assist,
and UAV center base station. The approach consists of several phases. Firstly, we perform the 3D coordinate location on modeling design, including movement patterns integrated into the 3D mobility model. Secondly, we extend the buffer management policy from the E-GBSD routing scheme and integrate it into 3D opportunistic networks. We then
establish a relay selection algorithm for messages forwarding when the UAV-assisted ferries are inter-contacted to offload data rapidly. Under considering the number of ferries used, Time-To-Live (TTL), and buffer space, this approach significantly maximizes the
delivery ratio. Ultimately, the simulation experiments are conducted on The Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator platform to evaluate the proposed F-EGBSD
performance as compared to the previous approach. Simulation results show that the proposed F-EGBSD achieves a better performance in terms of increasing average delivery rate and decreased average delay time. The whole study procedure leads to the creation of realistic simulation and analyzes the performance of F-EGBSD.
關鍵字(中) ★ 訊息轉發技術
★ 三維空間環境
★ 移動機會網路
★ 無人機網路
★ 數據收集
★ 無線感測網路
★ 緩衝區管理演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ Message forwarding
★ 3D FANETs Simulation
★ Mobile opportunistic networks
★ Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
★ Data gathering
★ Buffer management
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
List of Figures v
List of Tables ix
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 4
2.1 UAV-Assisted Data Gathering applications 4
2.2 Routing Strategies and Buffer Management 5
2.2.1 Routing Strategies 5
2.2.2 Buffer Management 6
2.3 Mobility Model 7
3 System Overview and Problem Formulation 8
3.1 System Model 8
3.2 UAV Mobility Model 9
3.3 Problem Definition and Formulation 10
3.3.1 Utility Function 13
3.4 Solution and Algorithm design 13
3.4.1 Message Scheduling and Drop 13
3.4.2 Relay Selection 14
3.4.3 Maximize The Delivery Rate 16
3.4.4 3D Design Model 19
3.4.5 Time Complexity 20
4 Simulation and Performance Result 22
4.1 Simulation Settings 22
4.1.1 Performance Metrics 23
4.1.2 Impact of TTL in Messages 24
4.1.3 Impact of the Number of T-UAVs 25
4.1.4 Impact of the Buffer Size in T-UAVs 26
4.1.5 Impact of Map Size 27
4.1.6 Summary of Performance Results 28
5 Conclusion 57
Bibliography 59
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指導教授 胡誌麟(Chih-Lin Hu) 審核日期 2020-8-24
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