摘要(英) |
How to achieve the greatest profit to shareholder and business owner is the only one purpose in traditional enterprise. However, social community gradually concern about Corporate Social Responsibility after 20th Century. Corporate Social Responsibility Report is the most important media to announce Corporate Social Responsibility. To regulate Corporate Social Responsibility Report disclosure, Global Reporting Initiative make serious of Guidelines include Economic, Environmental and Social three different aspects. For chemical industries, Environmental disclosure is the most significant information due to the impact to environment of chemical industries. So, stakeholders who relate to environment are the majority subjects of Corporate Social Responsibility Report disclosure. This research analyze to the corresponding between Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Taiwan top one chemical company- Formosa Plastic Corporation and Global Reporting Initiative Standard Guidelines. The result shows there are 38.89 % approvals of environmental major issues. It can illustrate this company still have potential to improvement in the future. This survey can provide some suggestions to make Corporate Social Responsibility Report to be more completed about environmental disclosure. By reveal more information of major issues of environment in Corporate Social Responsibility Report, chemical company can decline the public doubt of environmental damage. |
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