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姓名 戎傳傑(Chuan-Chieh Jung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 圖形使用者介面建構方法論
(Methodologies for the Construction of Graphical User Interfaces)
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摘要(中) 建構圖形使用者介面有兩種主要的工具,其中一種是使用者介面建造器,另一種則是圖形系統。使用者介面建造器的發展趨勢為顯示導向的;限制系統則被廣泛的應用於圖形使用者介面的建構。
摘要(英) There are two major types of tools for the construction of graphical user interfaces. One is user interface builder and the other is graphic system. The trend of developing interface builder is presentation-oriented. The constraint system has been used extensively for the construction of graphical user interfaces.
High-level UIMSs support a high-level dialog model specialized for human-computer interaction. A major problem common to high-level UIMSs is that they are dialog-oriented and thus hard to use. A high-level UIMS, AppComp, is constructed that adopts a presentation-oriented user interface development methodology. The presentation-oriented methodology lets interface developers do the relatively easy task of creating the user interface presentation first; the system then helps them on the hard task of dialog specification later on. An immediate benefit of this approach is its support for a highly visual development environment. AppComp is more visual than previous high-level UIMSs and interface builders.
Constraints have been used extensively for the construction of graphical user interfaces. User interface constraints that are declarative are more favorable but require sophisticated constraint planning algorithms. Constraint planning algorithms proposed previously are getting more and more complicated as they were asked to handle more general requirements. We believe that the difficulty is mainly caused by the complicated data structure that is translated directly from the problem. By a transformation, we propose a simplified graph model for the problem and prove that
the constraint planning problem can be reduced to finding feedback vertex sets on the simplified graph model. We also consider the general problem of handling non-uniform user interface constraints.
關鍵字(中) ★ 使用者介面限制系統
★ 使用者介面管理系統
關鍵字(英) ★ user interface management system
★ user interface constraint system
論文目次 摘要 II
Abstract III
誌謝 IV
Contents V
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VII
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1-1 Background 3
1-1-1 Background of User Interface Management System 3
1-1-2 Background of Constraint Systems 4
1-2 Motivation 5
1-3 Organization of This Study 7
Chapter 2. Related Work 8
Chapter 3. Presentation-Oriented High-Level UIMS 11
3-1 Development Methodology and Environment 11
3-1-1 Layout of Objects 12
3-1-2 Presentation of Interaction Objects 13
3-1-3 Specification of State Transition Rules 16
3-1-4 Database Support 18
3-1-5 More on the Development Environment 20
3-1-6 Localization of Software Components 23
3-2 Architecture of AppComp 27
3-3 The UI Execution/Design Engine 28
3-3-1 Objects 29
3-3-2 Scripts 30
3-3-3 Dialog Model 31
3-3-4 Application Interface 33
3-4 System Implementation 33
3-4-1 Rule Evaluation Algorithm 34
3-5 Examples 37
3-6 Section Summary 39
Chapter 4. Constraints and Graphical User Interfaces 41
Chapter 5. A Simplified Graph Model and Algorithms for User Interface Constraints 43
5-1 Problem Formulation 43
5-2 Simplified Graph Formulation 45
5-3 Constraint Planning Algorithms 51
5-4 Algorithms for Finding Optimal Solutions 55
5-5 Experimental Results 61
5-6 Section Summary 67
Chapter 6. Conclusions 69
References 71
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指導教授 郭譽申、陳國棟
(Y.S. Kuo、G.D. Chen)
審核日期 2004-1-22
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