摘要(英) |
The number of passengers at Taoyuan International Airport is increasing year by year, and has already exceeded the limit of the capacity in the original design. Under the limited available number of check-in counters, it is important that how airlines would allocate the counters to achieve the optimal use and perform the passenger check-in process more smoothly. In the past research, it has been pointed out that there is a significant relationship among the counter assignment pattern, the operating cost, and the self-check-in usage rate. This study will further investigate the use of association rule mining methods to conduct experimental analysis, and find out the implicit association rules based on the self-check-in utilization rate. It leads that we may be able to use the rules and the statistics to configure the moving lines at the airline planning counters to provide passengers with more optimized check-in environments and convenient experiences. Therefore, the passenger satisfaction would be improved.
This thesis uses a local airline as an example to analyze its historical flight self- check-in data. The data were collected from 2017 to 2018, and are divided into two sets of Terminal one and Terminal two. In addition, one set is constructed by merging the two data sets. Therefore, three data sets in total were used to be analyzed by using association rules algorithms, Apriori and FP-Growth. The experiments were conducted by Weka 3.8.3. and the data exploration technology was employed to perform the correlation analysis between passenger numbers, flight attributes, destinations, and time zones. The experimental results indicate that the self-check-in usage rates of the passengers in the “Hong Kong route” and the “Japan route” are higher than that of the average; the cases of “aircraft type is 738”, “Mainland China route”, and “Americans route” have the lower self-check-in usage rates than that of the average. The association rules produced based on the experimental analysis are meaningful and worthy of reference for the configuration planning. With the help of the self-reported data in the past, the understanding of the variable factors along with their relationship can be achieved and it provides the valuable reference for the airport and the airlines to configure the number of counters along with the line planning and the manpower utilization. |
參考文獻 |
臺灣桃園國際機場,107年度年報。2020.3.20 ,取自:
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