摘要(英) |
The uniform invoice award system substantially upgraded on January 1, 2019. It has become more convenient to get the uniform invoice prizes from the multiple-channel. Not only cash redemption can be made at the four major convenience stores, PX Mart, and Simple Mart, but also the new APP—Uniform Invoice Prize Claiming.
To enable more people to use the new APP, the Ministry of Finance has organized a few promotional activities in the early days of the APP publishing as well. Understanding the drivers of using intention can help related department managers to apply corresponding strategies to increase the APP usage rate. Thus the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the use intention of the APP using.
This study has proposed a model from the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model (UTAUT2) to investigate the adoption intention of the “Uniform Invoice Prize Claiming APP.” The factors in the model include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, and habit, along with gender, age, and experience as moderators. There were 297 samples have collected by conducting an online survey questionnaire on Facebook. The results showed that performance expectancy, facilitating condition, and habit significantly and positively influenced behavioral intention. However, moderating factors (gender, age, and experience) did not affect the intention to adopt the APP.
In conclusion, this study could help government authorities understand the factors that affect consumers′ usage of the Uniform Invoice Prize Claiming APP and propose to correspond strategies. |
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