摘要(英) |
The recommendation system is widely used in the on-line entertainment industries.By building the system, services prociders like Amazon、Spotify、Netflix can reveal as more products or contents to their users as possible. The more satisfaction they get from their users means the more user engagement they win.
Take digital music services, in trandition, the system recommended musics based on the historical records or its’ metadata. Along with the improvement of technology, we can easily process large datasets such as user-ratings data or user-behavior data and apply some data mining algorithm such as collaborative filtering algorithm to do the personalization recommendation.
In this study, the Yahoo! Music dataset is used.First, we try to tune the performance of collaborative filtering algorithm and treat it as the baseline of our recommendation system. Second, we reform the user-ratings data to apply two algorithms: Frequent-Pattern Growth and Word2vec in order to find the similarity of songs. Finally, the hybrid models combine the results of CF and fp-growth/Word2vec and both their evaluation metrics : map@5、map@10 are improved. Moreover, the approach we provided is adopted in the Apache Spark framework. It benefits us when dealing with the larger datasets in real world. |
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