摘要(英) |
The Coast Guard officers work in shifts 24/7 to effectively manage the waters surrounding the nation. On top of that, maritime leisure activities are popular in Taiwan. A diminished degree of organizational commitment and low job satisfaction resulting from the executions of maritime rescue operations, where the Coast Guard officers are always at risk, contribute to a shortage of Coast Guard officers. The Coast Guard Administration, Ocean Affairs Council has set up CGA Director General Office-Facebook Page, in the hope of strengthening internal communication and team cohesion through internal marketing, thereby effectively promoting organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the Coast Guard officers.
The study aims to explore the impact of the degree of perceived internal marketing on organizational commitment and job satisfaction, as well as the impact of Facebook page use on the degree of perceived internal marketing, with the Coast Guard officers adopted as research participants. The questionnaire survey was adopted in the study. A pre-test and a post-test were conducted targeting the Coast Guard officers in Taiwan. Based on the pre-test and post-test results and after adjusting the semantics and after deleting some questions, the official questionnaire was generated. The official questionnaire is composed of five parts: “Basic information”, the use of “Facebook Page”, the degree of perceived “Internal marketing”, “Organizational commitment” and “Job satisfaction” of the Coast Guard officers. The 5-point Likert scale was employed as the measurement tool, and online questionnaires were distributed, with a total of 202 valid samples recovered.
The recovered questionnaires underwent data analysis using SPSS statistical software. Results showed that the use of “Facebook Page” produced a positive impact on the degree of perceived “Internal marketing”. This finding coincides with the research findings of Yo-Hao Chang (2018); the degree of perceived “Internal marketing” produced a positive impact on “Organizational commitment”. This finding coincides with the research findings of Shu-Mei Wen (2018); the degree of perceived “Internal marketing” produced a positive impact on “Job satisfaction”. This finding echoes the research findings of Qi-Zhou Wang (2005); the Coast Guard officers under different genders, age or work seniority showed no significant difference on the impact of “Organizational commitment”, which differs from the research findings of Min-Lung Chen (2013).
Finally, recommendations in practice were proposed. The Coast Guard Agency should take every possible occasion or employee training to advertise Coast Guard Facebook Page and promote a better Facebook user experience so as to increase the degree of perceived “Internal marketing”. With encouragement from work environment taking place, the Coast Guard officers’ needs, motives and interest are aroused. Furthermore, the Coast Guard officers are able to finish their tasks with a positive attitude, which leads to an improvement of “Organizational commitment” and “Job satisfaction” of the Coast Guard officers. |
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〔1〕 TWNIC台灣網路資訊中心2019台灣網路報告,
〔2〕 立法院,
〔3〕 海巡署,
〔4〕 Wikipedia,
〔5〕 海巡署長室Coast Guard,
https://www.facebook.com/CGA4U/。 |