摘要(英) |
With the development of mobile electronic payment technology becoming more and more mature, the application is also widely used in daily life such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc., the protection of information security threats and protection of proprietary protection are increasing day by day. Recently, an endless stream of information, a large number of leaks, and fraud For cases of bullying, ransomware and fraudulent use of identity, how to improve the user’s information security and privacy protection capabilities will be very important alternatives at present. This study uses an account-based ticketing system, hereinafter referred to as account-based ticketing, to expand the discussion. Prevent fraud and protect proprietary functions, and study how to help ABT expand and increase related modules under the reorganized transaction mechanism, and improve information security and proprietary protection capabilities. In this study, the actual case of introducing ABT in the upgrade of public transportation ticketing systems in Singapore and Dubai, discussing the problems found after its introduction, and introducing the various architectures of the current ABT in compliance with EMC regulations, through comparison, this study believes that the standard ABT EMV also proposed the FP (Fraud Privacy)-ABT architecture, adding machine learning fraud detection and the attribute-based credential set of K-AnonymityPlus through extension to study security. The contribution is to propose a new FP-ABT architecture and explain the design of internal key modules. |
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