摘要(英) |
According to The New Southbound Policy, most universities in Taiwan offered scholarships to attract foreign students studying in Taiwan. Therefore, more and more Vietnamese students came to Taiwan for master and doctoral degrees. But for recent researches, the major investigate factories about Chinese studies were around language aspect. The investigation of Vietnamese students learning Chinese situation aspects are limited, especially the research about Vietnamese graduate students studying Chinese is severely lacking. This study was to investigate the students’ motivation of learning Chinese, learning strategies, and how technologies influence the students to study Chinese. The objects of this study were four Vietnamese graduate students at National Central University. This research was adopted qualitative research, through observation and semi-structured interview to collect data. The study results were discovered that:
1. For Vietnamese graduate students in Taiwan, the most affected motivate is the learning environment. Chinese teacher’s teaching style and method can trigger student’s interest in Chinese.
2. For a long time learning process, the students with intrinsic motivation have longer learning persistence than the student with extrinsic motivation.
3. Social strategy is the most frequent Chinese learning strategy for Vietnamese graduate students.
4. The student who has strong intrinsic motivation can use metacognitive strategy properly; the student who has strong extrinsic motivation have to use more affective strategies.
5. The most common technologies for Vietnamese graduate students are translation tools, as well as vision and hearing resources.
6. Vietnamese graduate students saved much time by using technologies. The students using technologies can learn Chinese through entertaining, furthermore, they can learn for any time and anywhere.
The results of this study provide foreign graduate student, who is coming to Taiwan, as a reference to work up psychological construction, also choose learning strategies and resources that appropriate themselves. |
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