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姓名 張佳恩(Chia-En Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 應用調諧顆粒阻尼器於迴轉式壓縮機振動抑制之研究
(A Study on Vibration Suppression for Rotary Compressors Using Tuned Particle Dampers)
★ 應用離散元素法與多體動力學於齒輪傳動系統動力分析模型之建立★ 不同氣體負載下雙螺桿壓縮機動力響應及振動頻譜特徵之預測
★ 新型魯氏真空泵轉子齒形之參數化設計及性能評估★ 以CNC內珩齒機進行螺旋齒輪齒面拓樸修整之研究
★ 雙螺桿壓縮機變導程轉子齒間法向間隙之數值計算方法及其三維幾何模型驗證★ 不同工作條件下冷媒雙螺桿壓縮機之轉子受力分析及動載響應預測
★ 應用多體動力學及離散元素法於具阻尼顆粒齒輪及軸承系統抑振之研究★ 具齒廓修形內嚙合非圓形齒輪創成之方法建立與其傳動誤差分析
★ 雙螺桿壓縮機於CFD仿真模擬之三維幾何簡化方法建立★ 航空發動機齒輪箱傳動系統之強度分析與改善
★ 電動車差速齒輪傳動系統之動載分析與性能評估★ 電動車齒輪箱之剛-柔耦合動力學模型建立及等效輻射聲功率分析
★ 指狀銑刀安裝偏差對真空泵螺桿轉子加工精度影響之研究★ 以CNC內珩齒機加工具鼓形之錐狀齒輪之研究
★ 應用阻尼顆粒於旋轉機械之振動抑制及動平衡設計★ 考量氣體負載下迴轉式壓縮機動態負載分析模型之建立
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摘要(中) 由於生活品質之要求不斷提昇,地球暖化及天氣異常情況日益嚴重,人們對於空調需求大幅增加,同時對振動噪音的忍受度變得相對嚴苛,迴轉式壓縮機具有曲軸機構使其壓縮機具有體積小且加工簡單之優勢,所以被廣泛使用,內部結構因曲軸偏心質量與氣體變動負載作用下,使得結構產生動不平衡及振動,故業者除需提升機器性能外,更需改善振動噪音的問題,因此有必要研究如何抑制壓縮機之振動。顆粒是一種被動和非線性能量耗散阻尼,優點包括耐高溫和惡劣環境,對原始結構修改少等特點,常用於改善加工品質、振動噪音問題,本研究提出調諧顆粒阻尼器(Tuned Particle Damper, TPD)之概念設計,將主配重塊(Main Counterweight)和阻尼顆粒(Damping Particle)之優點,用於校正迴轉式壓縮機之動不平衡及振動,透過壓縮機曲軸旋轉所產生離心力,以及顆粒易附著於腔壁之特性,設計一款可在不同腔室填充不同比例顆粒的阻尼器,以同時達到配重和抑振之雙重效果;此外更透過離散元素法(Discrete Element Method, DEM)及多體動力學(Multi-Body Dynamics, MBD)進行具TPD壓縮機之雙向耦合動力分析。為了解TPD之抑振性能,藉由改變顆粒粒徑、顆粒形狀、摩擦係數及恢復係數等參數,以深入探討對壓縮機動態特性,更透過顆粒流變效應及能量耗損分析以獲得最佳之TPD設計參數,最後從轉子上觀測點之運動評估TPD之抑振改善功效。
摘要(英) Due to the increasing demand for quality of life, global warming and weather anomalies are becoming more and more serious, people′s demand for air conditioning has increased significantly, while the tolerance of vibration noise has become relatively harsh, rotary compressor with crankshaft mechanism to make its compressor small size and simple processing advantages, so it is widely used. The internal structure of the rotary compressor is caused by the movement imbalance and vibration of the structure under the action of the eccentric mass of the crankshaft and the variable load of the gas. In addition to improving the performance of the machine, it is necessary to improve the problem of vibration noise, so it is necessary to study how to suppress the vibration of the compressor. Particle is a passive and nonlinear energy dissipation damping. Its advantages include high temperature resistance in harsh environment, and few modifications to the original structure. It often used to improve processing quality and vibration noise problems. The concept design of Tuned Particle Damper (TPD) is proposed, combining the advantages of Main Counterweight and Damping Particles used to correct the vibration of rotary compressors. Through the centrifugal force generated by the crankshaft of rotary compressors and the characteristics of the particles easily attached to the cavity wall, a damper that can be filled with different proportions of particles in different chambers is designed to achieve both the dual effect of counterweight and vibration suppression. In addition, two-way coupling dynamic analysis with TPD compressors is also performed through the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and Multi-body Dynamics (MBD). In order to understand the vibration suppression performance of TPD, the dynamic characteristics of the compressor are discussed in view of the particle size, particle shape, friction coefficient and recovery coefficient. And obtains the best design parameters through particle rheological effects and energy consumption analysis. Finally, it evaluate the TPD vibration suppression effect from the rotor observation point of the motion.
關鍵字(中) ★ 迴轉式壓縮機
★ 多體動力學
★ 離散元素法
★ 顆粒阻尼器
★ 阻尼顆粒
★ 動平衡
★ 抑振
關鍵字(英) ★ rotary compressor
★ multi-body dynamics
★ discrete element method
★ damping particle
★ particle damper
★ dynamic balance
★ vibration suppression
論文目次 摘要
謝誌 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
符號對照表 XI
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機與目的 2
1-4 研究架構 4
第2章 壓縮機雙向耦合數學模型建立 6
2-1 迴轉式壓縮機基本構造與作動原理 6
2-2 壓縮腔容積計算 7
2-3 MBD-DEM雙向耦合動力分析模型建立 9
2-3-1 壓縮機轉子系統動力學模型 9
2-3-2 壓縮機外殼系統動力學模型 13
2-3-3 壓縮機顆粒阻尼器填充率設計 15
2-4 顆粒接觸力計算 17
第3章 多體動力學元件運動條件設定 20
3-1 TPD顆粒阻尼器與傳統配重塊構型比較 20
3-2 TPD主要參數設計 21
3-3 TPD 模型簡化與雙向耦合 22
3-4 模擬振動量測位置 25
第4章 動力學模型案例探討 27
4-1 轉子系統之動平衡問題與配重塊設計方法 27
4-2 顆粒阻尼器設計演算 29
4-3 顆粒阻尼器配重設計 30
4-4 TPD動態特性分析 32
第5章 顆粒流變效應與能量損失之探討 36
5-1 顆粒流變效應 36
5-2 顆粒填充率對抑振效果的影響 37
5-3 TPD運動軌跡 40
5-4 TPD顆粒能量耗損 42
第6章 總結與未來展望 46
6-1 總結 46
6-2 未來展望 47
參考文獻 48
作者介紹 51

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指導教授 吳育仁(Yu-Ren Wu) 審核日期 2020-8-13
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